Wolf Tamer

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I've been playing with Dove all day! Sure, the room is metal, but it's big! And we have a nice soft corner! They give us wood to burn, it feels nice. I like burning things. Watching fire has always been nice. It flickers, and the smoke is comforting. I feel warm in fire, fire feels nice. They gave me a new outfit! It's warm, and it covers my whole body. My face has been deformed, but it's fine! No one will see it! And! The clothes are very warm! And I've got a cape now! It's very nice here! They feed me, and let me roam around! And they give me lots of things to play with Dove! Like a holla hoop to jump through! And a laser pointer to get her to follow orders! And also! I've got this neat axe! It's way easier to use than I thought it would be! It's big and hefty, but it's lots of fun!

There's lots of things that pass by our room! There was this one bird creature with these beautiful white feathers! It reminds me of a dinosaur! Like a pterodactyl! The head shape was similar, and it had the beak, but I never saw it fly, just walk around, using its wings to move like front legs. Or that cloud thing with an eyeball. I don't really know what else to tell you, but it passes by daily, I've named him Gray Beard! Sometimes he zaps lightning, sometimes it rains, but most of the time, he just floats past with his blue eyes darting about. He's always gray, that doesn't seem to bother him. I also think I saw a tiny dinosaur? But it was blue, and scaly. I asked about it, and apparently its an Ice dragon! I love snow! I hope I can play with it some day!

I don't think I've been this happy since I was... what? Seven? Eight? I don't know, but I don't care. I'm happy here, and I'm welcomed, and loved. Sure, it's just a square room and some toys, but it's nice! It's home. The walls and floor are gray and cold, but I have windows! And I get to leave daily! They even let me bake! I got to make so much stuff! I even got to eat my favorite! Dove has been learning lots of new tricks, and also! She's strong enough for me to ride, and she has these neat spikes on her back! And this amazing green gem on her head! I have a similar one of my cape clip. I look very similar to her now. It's nice, this is nice, I wish things could stay like this forever.

But it can't. I have to go back to Cappy Town. They say they want me to wait there until Dove can come with me. But! Once Dove is there, we can start all the fires we want! They said Meta Knight might try and stop me, but that makes sense. He's such a jerk, ruining everyone else's fun! But they said I'm allowed to fight him! That should be loads of fun!

Oh! And they've been giving me these neat shots! They make me feel stronger everyday! And I feel more connected to Dove! It's great here! I can't wait to go back and warm everyone up! Of course, I'll have to keep Meta Knight back, he just won't understand. I can make him though!

Oh, right, the shots. So they also make me a whole lot cooler! They say I have to keep the armor until I'm strong enough without it, but the more injections I get, the stronger I am! My hands have claws, they're all sharp and good for forcing things open! My spine is also getting some spikes on the back! They aren't super noticeable yet, but still, metal! I can smell things a lot better, and I can see people from behind walls! Well, sort of? It's like using heat signature goggles. And it lets me see people's heat through the walls, so I can anticipate them coming! Of coarse, that only works on things that aren't room temperature, like the ice dragon is colder, so I can still see it moving, but that ghost that shows up like, once a week doesn't.

Luckily for me, most living things don't stay at room temperature. Well, I mean, plants maybe, but I mean the things that I can interact with. Well, I could talk to Whispy. That's not the point! The point is no one can prank me now! Because I will see them coming! Everything will be great. And that cabin they built for me! It's wood! Easy to burn! That'll be so nice for Dove! She likes to sit in the fires, I'm sure it'll be nice for her.

My door slides open, I can hear the gears turn to move the heavy metal door. Must be time for another injection. I look over, Dove rushes to the door. It's that salesman guy.

"Hey, what's up?" I stare at him.

"We're sending you back."


"Yes, Today." He adjusts his glasses.

"Why today? Is Dove coming?" I hold her against me.

"Unfortunately no." The smile stays plastered on his face. "But, we will be sending her with you some time in the future."

"What about my armor, and my axe? Or the injections?"

"Those will be dealt with in the future. For now, you are going back, and telling them you don't remember your time here. Or that you don't want to talk about it. I don't care! Just keep your story straight." He grimaces at me, before leaving the room. I look to Dove and pet her some, before removing my gear. It feels wrong without it.

I move to the glass and look at myself. Despite all the changes, it's still me. I have claws, but my palms are still the same size. And my fingers are still slim. My teeth have sharpened, but they aren't to big for me, and aren't biting the sides of my cheek. My pupils are almost gone, just a slightly different shade from the color of my eyes. My spine still has spikes growing out the back, you can clearly see the bone, as it pierced pass my skin a while ago. Dove moves back to my side. The green gem embedded in her head matches the one just below my neck, aligned on my collar bone. I hope I get to see her again soon. She's the only thing I have from home.

The door opens again, and my old jacket is tossed at me. Despite how nice the armor was, I did miss it. It's gray and worn, still has paint and mud on it. But it's mine, I got it on a school trip with friends, it's another good reminder of home. I can deal with just the jacket until Dove can come. I'm sure they'll love her, she's just a big puppy. She used to be so clumsy. Now I'm teaching her all kinds of cool tricks! She's a good girl, they'll love her.

"Time to go." I turn, the salesman again. He leads me back to the room that I originally came in.

"What do I say about my appearance?" I tilt my head at him.

"Say you don't remember, I don't care, just stay consistent." He waves his hand at me. My feet falter, before I keep walking by his side. Back in the room, he tells me to sit in the corner and wait. What am I going to do when I get back? I could just run, try and find someone other than DeDeDe and Escargoon. If I fell I front of Meta Knight like this, he would be horrified. But he would pity me, and if I said I didn't know, he wouldn't ask. If I can cry it would be more convincing, I just gotta think about something sad, right?

I'm leaving Dove behind. I haven't met another human since I woke up on Popstar. I never got to see Jasmine's wedding. I-... I never saw her wedding? I don't think I even saw John date... anyone! Gavin has just broken up with his girlfriend. I never got to see my own parents funeral! Did they have a funeral for me? I-

I can feel a tear slide down my face, it hurts. Not emotionally, but it burns. What? The pain causes me to gasp, and more teases fall, I frantically try to wipe them off my face, only to burn my hands. Why does this hurt? I can't stop crying! It hurts so bad! But I need to stop! But I can't stop myself!

"Get on the platform with the dragon." Dragon, what? I wipe at my eyes more in an attempt to get a better view. It's a small, blue or teal lizard. The sight makes me laugh a little, it's so small. I stand and grab it, and move onto the platform. The same flashing of lights and I'm back in the castle. It's like a teleporter or something. I can see DeDeDe and Escargoon, shell shocked, stood still. I drop the small dragon in my hands onto the platform below, and make a dash for it.

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