Grand Prix! (Part 2)

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Watching the race on the screen is suspenseful in an unfortunately thrilling way. Of course King DeDeDe has it rigged, constantly laying traps or causing natural disasters, (as if DeDeDe himself isn't a natural disaster). 

Within the first lap, DeDeDe is already pulling tricks, the camera showing that his car is actually an armored vehicle, pulling out some sort of gun, and causing a landslide. Glad that I sat out, but I do panic momentarily. Only momentarily, though, as I quickly see everyone continue driving on like their fine. 

Still, it's an obstacle that isn't meant to be there, so I hop in my car, and drive off to to start clearing them, a walkie talkie on my person so Fololo and Falala can radio me in case of any accidents, and on what part of the track. 

As much as I've proven to be incredibly strong, (at least, on this planet), these are still giant boulders, so I have to push and roll them off the road, all while Fololo and Falala commentate on the race.

"They're finishing up their first lap!" Falala happily cheers, before a groan is heard for both.

"Oh," Fololo continues, "but DeDeDe is in first place." Even though their microphones, I can hear the crowd booing and jeering, screaming out their hates and grievances on the monarchy.

"Second and close behind is Meta Knight! Following him is Tiff and Tuff, Kirby and Takkori, and finally, The Mayor and Mrs. Hana!"

I push the last boulder off the track just as DeDeDe speeds past me, nearly knocking into me, and I watch as they all speed past with him.

"Hey! That's a penalty!" I call out angrily,watching them. It's only the second lap and I already know that I have to follow in case he pulls any more stupid stunts. Which he most certainty will.

I huff as I get into my car, the engine revving as I warm it up, before pulling onto the track and following behind.

"Y/N?" I hear Falala's voice on the radio.

"What're you doing?" Fololo questions, the pair seemingly off the mic for the moment.

"If he was willing to do that  on the first race, then he's definitely going to do more, I don't know why I thought I could 'sit this out'." The pair sigh and mumble to each other, before pulling away from the radio, and starting to commentate again.

I feel my anger rise with each thing I'm left to clean up.

Spikes on the road, oil slicks in the middle of the forest paths, (what seems like it could possibly be a speed bump???) I don't even notice until I hear screaming over my radio. 

"DeDeDe is running Kirby off the road!!!" I'm quick to leave whatever I was cleaning where it was, jumping into my car and driving with reckless abandon, drifting around corners until I make it there, within minutes, and finding everyone parked and out of their cars.

"His car can fly???" I hear Escargoon yell exasperated, and I look up, to see his car in the air.

"... Dude what the fuck..?"

"Language, mija."

"You knew, didn't you Meta Knight..?" Tiff questions softly, turning and looking to him. He doesn't reply, just gets back into his car, and starts driving. I sigh heavily and look to the siblings.

"Do you think DeDeDe has anything else?"

"We don't need anything else!" Escargoon yells back to me angrily. 

"Yeah! We're in the lead by five laps! Nothing can stop us now!" I watch them all speed off, and sigh.

"... At least I don't have to worry about that." I huff, getting back into my car, and grabbing the radio. "King DeDeDe said he doesn't have any more tricks up his sleeves, supposedly, so the only surprises left will come from Kirby." I slam the door shut, and start driving, though, much slower than I had been going to get here. I stay in the back, simply keeping up, and keeping them in my sights.

"It seems King DeDeDe has knocked Kirby out of the race! We'll let you know if there are any updates!" I groan as Falala's voice comes over the radio. My anger and anguish is knocked right out of me, however, as I giant, monster truck sized pink tire suddenly starts lapping me.

"Kirby???" I yell, rolling down my window, instantly regretting it as dust fills my lungs, making me cough and hack, before I get back to driving, trying to chase the tire, and being lapped by it twice more, when I finally see the Mayor's car speeding, directly behind Kirby, seemingly being pulled along by the current of the air.

"What?! Mayor Blustergas has won! How Did this happen?!" I finally pull back into the strip, I see the Mayor and his wife at the top of a podium with a big trophy, Kirby and Takkori in the second place space, and TIff and Tuff in third.

"Thank God that's over." I mumble to myself, pulling the keys out of my car and turning it off as I get out. I walk over to congratulate Kirby, as I watch Meta Knight stroll up to him, handing him a little card.

"Here Kirby, you've earned it." Kirby curiously takes the card. "It is like a drivers license, you are now fully qualified to pilot your ship."

"Dude, you did not just give a baby a drivers license. Is he even of age?" Meta Knight looks up at me, his eyes gleaming for a moment.

"I'm not quiet sure what you mean." He replies, clearly not meaning it, but clearly not going to give up on this stance.

"Fine man, but you gotta pay for his insurance." I shrug a bit.

"Here you go, Hana." I turn, and look at the Mayor and his wife, the podium making them easier to look at without craning my neck. "I want to give this to you... We've been married for 40 years, and I wanted to give you something that no one else will ever have." She smiles, before tackling him behind the podium with a hug.

DeDeDe and Escargoon pull into the strip, before their car falls apart. Kirby opens a bottle of sparkling cider, splattering it all over the pair, making them fall over.

"S... S-Someone call a tow truck..." Everyone laughs, the sun sets, and people start going home.

I sit on my car, watching everything, before my brain finally begins to process the day and it's events.

"... Wait- Did Meta Knight call me mija?"

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