Labor Daze

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So there I was, minding my own fucking business, when all of a sudden my brain asks me, "Hey, what if you went down to town and terrorized literally everyone?" And so I went to M instead, because if I did follow that thought, he'd find out and kick my ass. So, I'm walking around the castle, looking for him. Haven't seen anyone though, not even the Waddle Dees. It's eerie, in a weird way. Just the tapping of my feet in a long, cold, hallway, cold despite the sunlight that pours through the windows. I pause, take off my shoes, and hold them as I walk. The tile is cold against my feet, and my steps have been severely muffled. It's comforting to not be the loudest thing in this odd silence.

"No DeDeDe, no Escargoon, no Tiff or Tuff, not even Kirby. Where did everyone go?"

"There is a new factory in town." I turn around and force myself to stand still.

"Please, please Meta, I just had a panic attack, don't show up so quietly, I almost just kicked you like a football." I'm shaking a little, trying to calm my nerves down.

"My apologies, you normally hear me coming."

"Normally, but It was so quiet, and then suddenly hearing a voice behind me gave me PTSD, holy, fuck man."

"First, language, second, PTSD from what?"

"A multitude of things, one of which was just my parents walking around the house trying to scare me."

"Why would they do that?"

"Because it's funny to scare your kids?" His eyes go orange, and he pauses, before he looks up to me, eyes still orange.

"Why would it be funny to make your children fear you?"

"Because to hold power you need to be loved and feared, and they can only give so much love to one person, especially in a big family." His eyes go white, then back to yellow, he pinches what should be the bridge of his nose.

"I don't understand why I'm still surprised, but Y/N, that is not healthy." I shrug.

"It's pretty common in humans."

"How do they scare you?"

"Walk down the halls quietly, pop out from no where to make you think you aren't safe, stare at you from windows, grab a fake knife and tap on a window outside while you're watching a horror movie, pretty basic pranks." His eyes flash white, but go straight back to yellow. "Ah, I'm desensitizing you." His eyes go red, then yellow again.

"I wish you weren't."

"Sorry." I shrug. He asks questions, and I answer, he usually doesn't like the answers though. "Just, try not to pop up out of nowhere, please?" He nods to me, and starts walking, I follow. "So, something about a factory?"

"Ah, yes, DeDeDe has set up a factory, claiming to want Cappy Town to reach it's Industrial Revolution."

"Bad for a few reasons, huh?"

"Indeed." He nods as we continue walking. "Though, I ask you do not intervene, as sometimes the only way to learn your leason is the hard way."

"So you do understand tough love?"

"This is very different, tough love is not hitting someone because they did the wrong thing, this is making sure they understand what they did was wrong through the consequences of their actions." I pause, and think, but I keep walking with him. It stays quiet between us.

"What are they making?" He chuckles lightly.

"I've no clue, but Sword and Blade say it is another one of DeDeDe's monsters."

"Oh, yeah, like that wasn't obvious enough." I laugh with him, we turn a corner, and somehow reach an even sunnier section of the hall. "Well, Whispy just had a crissis, should I go warn him about pH levels or something?"

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