Tiff Tuff Shape

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You had been staying with Whispy for three days now, you had found a source of running water, and somehow you had been lucky enough to not have it rain. You didn't want to build a shelter unless you had to, it would make Whispy sad, and he has been so kind to you, it would be the least you could do for him. you still gathered sticks and leaves that had only fallen. Something to keep you away from the sun, you're back against a wall. On the fourth morning you got up, ate an apple, went to the river, and came back to Whispy, saving some water for yourself, and the rest for whichever plants Whispy said needed it. You were into the afternoon now when you heard a noise, you stopped what you were doing in fear it was Meta Knight or the green eyed thing, instead, it was another set of small people, if you could call them that.

"Whoa! That's the thing Meta Knight was fighting! Be careful Whispy!" The girl yelled out, the pink sphere next to her started to yell and make noise, whereas the boy, appearing to be of the same species as the girl, picked up a rock and threw it at you, it only hit your knee, but it was still insulting.
"Rude." You say, looking at them, before watering the flower patch Whispy said was wilting.

"Whispy are you alright? Did it hurt you?" The girl asks, running up to him with the others, and stepping on a clover patch along the way. Whispy just laughs.
"Of course I'm alright! Why wouldn't I be?" He asks, looking to the children. "Y/N has been incredibly helpful, and they're great company!" This confuses the children, just a few days ago you were fighting Meta Knight, why does Whispy think you're safe? At the same time, Tuff threw a rock at you and your only reaction was, "rude".
"Y/N?" Tiff asks hesitantly, like it's the name of a demon, or if Y/N heard her say it she'll bite her.

"Yep." You say, turning to look at the group, a little underwhelming considering their last encounter. "Your names are?" Y/N asks, don't really want to keep calling them girl kid and boy kid. And sphere is eating an apple, twelve apples. Geez how much can he eat? You think to yourself. You must have made a face because the girl laughs. "Right, sorry, that's Kirby!" She says, pointing to the pink ball, still stuffing itself with apples, "that's my brother Tuff!" She points to the boy, he has his arms crossed and was holding a stick, a deeper yellow color to the girls pastel yellow skin, "and I'm Tiff!" She finishes. You look past her to see Kirby still eating more, just whole apples, like a snake. "Well, 'Tiff', it's nice to meet you, though it would've been better had my first impression hadn't been your friend and brother trying to kill me." You say plainly, you're tired, and you really don't like the people of Cappy Town. "Yeah, sorry about that." She says with a nervous smile.
"So, how are things back in the town?" Whispy asks, breaking the tension you held. "Things are going great!" Tuff yells, "Everyone's being nicer to Kirby, no monsters have shown up, besides Y/N, and King DeDeDe has been quiet!" "Yeah, it's suspicious." Tiff says, glaring in the direction of the town. "Poyo!" Kirby yells in agreement before going back to stuffing his face with apples. "Alright Kirby!" Tiff says trying to pull Kirby, "That's enough! You're eating to much!" Kirby makes a sad noise and stops.

"You should come back to town with us Y/N!" Tuff says excitedly. You're shocked at the lion the witch and the audacity of this kid to say you should go back to where you were almost killed.

"Oh yes!" You say sarcastically, salt evident in your voice, "Let me go back to the place where everyone wants me dead! Great idea Tuff! And when I get there I'm sure Meta Knight will see you with me and immediately assume there was a misunderstanding earlier! And that you're not hostages!" You say, giving you best jazz hands at the end to accentuate how on board with this idea you were.
"But your clothes are dirty! And you haven't eaten anything other than apples for days!" Tiff says, trying to reason with you.

"I'm not going to risk being killed to go to some crumby small town, that doesn't even want me there." You say bitterly, before grabbing an apple and biting into it, hoping they'll take the hint and leave her alone.

"What if we convince everyone first, then bring you back?" Tiff says, still pushing for your return. You finish chewing before replying.

"Do you think that would work out? That they wouldn't just burn the forest to try and get rid of me?" You say
"Why are you so negative about this?" Tiff asks, hoping to maybe be able to fix it for you.

"I was born and raised in a vulture culture, we crucify anyone we hunger." You say, proud of yourself for the reference, knowing they won't get it. This little reference horrified the kids though, reminding them just how different Y/N was from them, all it did for Y/N was remind them that they no longer have their pills, and they miss their family. "I hope to die in my vulture culture." You say, before turning to water more plants.

Meta Knights P.O.V.
I followed the kids in the trees, that monster was still out here, and I wanted them to be safe. I was slightly behind them, to make sure I wasn't seen, and incase it was trailing them. As I followed them, I heard them scream and throw a rock, I bolted to make sure they were safe, only to see the monster. I know it won't try to fight them, they can beat it, but it seemed so drowsy, so lifeless, empty. What had happened to the life it had when it first went to the village? It's barely speaking or even acknowledging them. Strange. As I watch their interaction, and listen to the conversation I slowly realized, he had attacked what was essentially a child. A scared child, who has no one but Whispy, and was genuinely scared of him. Despite how big she was, she was still a person, still had feelings, and definitely didn't want to kill them.

"What were you doing before you ended up in Whispy Woods?" Tiff asked, pulling Meta Knight from his thoughts.

"I had just gone to bed, the next day would be my quinceañera, and i woke up here." Y/N replies. Meta Knight has made a mistake. He attacked a child. And now he wouldn't be able to confront them without scaring them off.

No wonder he had never seen a monster like her before, Y/N wasn't a monster!
As he was thinking, Y/N looked to the trees, only to see green eyes staring at her.

"Holy shit!" She yells, before picking up the kids and running, this wasn't good.

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