Ch 2: My First Friend

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I'm still in a panic as I try and calm my breathing and heartbeat after whatever that monster was outside attacked me.  Is it the masked teenager?  That was like five years ago, he's probably a man by now. Was he watching me outside and sent some sort of animal to finish the job he couldn't the day of my parents accident?  I knew going outside was a bad idea.  I am never going outside again.  That's when I hear his commanding voice, "Max, no!  What were you doing?"

Something about that voice calms me and makes me feel like there is no threat outside.  Who names their pet elephant Max anyways?  Wait...who would even have a pet elephant?  I hear footsteps approaching my door then a light knock.  The voice says, "Hello, are you okay?  I am sorry about my dog."  Oh a dog that makes more sense than an elephant.  I stand on my tip toes to look through the peep hole.  My breath catches in my throat at the sight before me.  Despite the rain and the distortion of the door viewer I can tell that he is handsome.  He is wearing a green poncho and has dark brown hair.  His eyes are a beautiful green and even though he wears black rimmed glasses my gut tells me he's not your typical nerd.  I feel like I know him, but I can't put my finger on it.

The voice continues, "I just want to make sure your okay, I live across the street.  I'm Kota."

"Kota" I whisper as it has just clicked that he is the first person of interest on my assignment list.  "What was that?"  Oh gosh he heard me!  I can't just say nothing now.  "Umm, I'm fine", I say meekly.  There was a pause and he made no move to leave so I added with a little force, "Go away".  I don't think it was forceful enough because he stayed there in front of my door, maybe he didn't hear me.  Right as I was about to tell him to leave once more he asks me again.

"Are you sure you're okay, can I just see you really quick..." Why? " make sure everything is alright? I'm fine. "Do you need medical attention?"  No. "My mom is a nurse..." I know I read your file. "...she can take a look at you if you don't have a first aid kit at home."  

I don't want to wake my parents and because of my assignment I also don't want him to know what I look like right now.  He probably thinks I'm a freak and I won't be able to get close to him at school if he thinks that.  Great!  I'm still deciding if I want to take this assignment and I've already blown it!  Good Job Sang, can't you do anything right?  Uh...not when it comes to the Academy or talking coherently or crowds or people or anything outside of my own home.  Great!  My own brain is now realizing how pathetic I am.

I look out the peep hole again and he looks determined not to leave until he sees me.  I move over a little to the side window next to the door and move the curtain over that way he can see with his own eyes and incredibly nice glasses-- that look amazing on him by the way-- for himself.  I stick my face close to the window so he can inspect me, but he's not looking, he is still staring at the door like he has X-Ray vision or something.  I tap on the window and he finally looks over.  He asks me if anything hurts.  My head, leg, side, back.  "No", I tell him.

"What's your name?"  I just stare at him, I didn't want to introduce myself this way and for some reason my arm won't close the curtain.  I thought he looked amazing through the peephole on the door, but now without that weird distortion he is gorgeous.  Finally my brain kicks in, "Sang".  

"Like 'I sang a song?", he questions.  I nodded and he smiles and apologizes once again for Max and that he'll be back later to check on me.  Before I get a chance to respond he's already halfway down the driveway with Max in tow.  I close the curtain when I see him vanish through his garage, there must be a door in there.  I step away from the door and turn the short corner into the living room and take a seat on the couch.  

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