Ch 62: Five Years Ago

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~five years ago~

District Attorney C. Nasrin Sr. POV

AKA Volto's Dad

I slam the laptop close and want to break all the monitors in front of me as well I'm just that angry.  "That disgusting bastard! Marie?? Marie, get down here!!"

A few minutes pass until the brown haired girl enters.  "Yes, sir?"

"Where's my son?"

"He's outside practicing his violin."

"Tell him to come down here...and hurry!"

The basement door closes as Marie leaves.  I hear her footsteps going up the stairs slowly.  That girl!  Always taking her sweet time, she's nothing like her sister.  It's painfully obvious they have different mothers, I don't know why I didn't notice before the autopsy and fake birth certificate.  I'm just glad Sang got the good and not the bad like her stuck up sister.  A few more minutes pass and I finally hear footsteps coming down the stairs.  Soon my son appears in the open door.

"Yes, dad?"

"It's time to get her out and we have to hurry before it's too late! I didn't catch what the father was doing to the other girl I was so intent on watching Sang!"

My obedient son always ready immediately jumps into action. "What can I do to help, Father?"

"You are going to break in tonight, trash the place, make sure you get a visual on Sang. That's it, nothing more. You run when you hear the sirens. I'll handle the rest. Go get ready!  Get your mask!"

As soon as my son leaves to get ready I take a deep breath and pick up my phone to dial a number I haven't thought about in years. My best friend, or should I say former best friend, answers after the third ring.

"I need your help" I tell him.

"Fuck off." The caller says and hangs up. He must have recognized my voice. I try again only to hear the person on the other end yell, "I don't ever want to hear your voice again, I told you to fuck off!"

"Please don't hang up! You still owe me one more favor!"

"Son of a bitch! You think I still owe you after what you did? After you not only screw up our last assignment, but steal Maggie away from me! Call someone else."

"I didn't steal her! She wanted us both and you refused!"

"You lying bastard, you brainwashed her. A relationship like that would never work and you and I both know it! Don't call me again!"

"Wait! It's a bird, she's innocent and she's going to get hurt if you don't help me."  I plead and judging by the silence on the other end I know he's listening.  He wants to help.

"You know I'm retired now."  He replies.

"I know, but you still have contacts in the Academy right? I know none of them will take a call from me, please you are my only hope."

My former best friend gives a long sigh, "Fine tell me what I need to do and make it quick."

"Call the Academy contact at the police station and get a couple female members to pose as police officers. Two little girls. You need to get two girls out of this abusive home and take them to safety. I'm sending you the address now and photos of the two girls. I'll make an attempted burglary call at 10:00 pm, intercept it and storm the house by 10:05."

"I'll do it, but make sure to never call me again."

"One more thing... the little bird with green eyes needs a good home, tell the Academy to get her adopted. She's practically a ghost bird, I'll make sure to take care of the rest of her history."


All I heard was the dial tone mocking me. Will he help the little bird?  I could only pray. The last time I prayed was when my wife Maggie was sick. I prayed she would survive for me, for my son.  When I learned of a new cancer drug I thought my prayers had been answered so I jumped at it. A million dollars? No problem. I'd spend three times that if it meant Maggie would stay with us. 

 Just four months after the treatment started Maggie died. Not from the cancer, but from the device implanted into her.  The very thing meant to help Maggie fight for her life only took it away.  The pain and agony on her face when I found her convulsing.  Her hair drenched in sweat, blood coming out of her mouth and nose.  I couldn't stop her, I couldn't help her.  The sight of her muscles contorting in pain and watching her attempts to claw the device out of her stomach will forever haunt my mind.  Five minutes she spent in that state.  Five minutes until her body gave up, until her soul moved on.  It was only five minutes, but it felt like a lifetime to me and it probably felt like an eternity to her.

I went crazy after that looking for the people responsible. That's when I discovered Sang. The same green eyes Maggie had. The same sweet smile, the same innocence. An innocence that never left Maggie even at the age of 35, she still had that sweet innocence to the very end.  That evil implanted in her could never take that away. 

 I promised Maggie I would take care of her and I failed.  I vowed to keep Sang safe in honor of my wife.  I will make Maggie proud and I will not fail Sang like I did her.  I should have taken her on her 8th birthday like I had planned to!  She didn't deserve those parents and I was floored to see such a small threat scare her father into abandoning her. Selfish bastard! I don't want to see Sang hurt, but I also didn't want to hurt her myself. That's why I couldn't take her. I didn't want to scare her. So I vowed to stay in the shadows, always watching, always waiting. I would wait for the right time to come back for her and if I couldn't, my son would.

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