Ch 73: Blank Space

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Cody POV

I'm surprised at the two Academy members standing before me.  After waiting in a holding cell for four hours I was finally escorted by Andy to the interrogation room.  I thought what awaited me was four dads ready to pounce, attack and beat me.  Or maybe those two fake teachers, but instead I got Owen and Henry, the worst they did was rough me up a little--tightened my cuffs, threw me into the chair so hard it almost tilted back, but not one single punch.  I think I'm in shock...or maybe this is all a mind game.  Make the bad guy wait for his torture, but he dies from all the suspense instead.

Owen and Henry stand before me in a stare down.  It's kind of weird, though because I want to stare back, but my eyes won't separate that way.  You know, one eye staring down Owen and the other staring down Henry.  Now that would be a new skill for the Academy.  

Owen stoic as always has his arms crossed over that perfect fucking suit.  The only time he wasn't perfect was that time I met with Sang at the Old Exchange Building.  I saw him following the school bus all the way there.  He waited in his car for the field trip to be over, but once he saw everyone being evacuated he went out towards the back to get inside.  Luckily, I locked the roof top door behind me and he wasn't able to get in.  I was able to worm my way through the elevator shaft while he struggled outside not knowing what was going on and doing his best not to blow his cover.

Then there's Henry, the Academy's top dog, but Sang's biggest obstacle.  He's screwed up so many times and I hate that he lied to Sang, but at the same time he's not a bad dad.  He's part of the best family Sang has ever had in her life.  I'm grateful to him, he made my job a lot easier when they adopted her.  You won't believe how hard it is trying to bust foster homes without calling attention to yourself!

"Start talking."  Henry demands.  I guess the stare downs over.

So I start talking, "I do not mean to pry, but you don't happen to have six fingers on your right hand?  Do you always start conversations this..."

"Stop!  What are you babbling about?"  Henry asks irritated and almost blowing smoke out of his ears.

"You told me to talk so I started reciting lines."  I shrug, trying to see how far I can push them.

"Do you think this is a game Mr. Nasrin?"  Owen asks.

"No, I don't, but what is guy supposed to do when you tell him to talk, but don't give him a subject on which to speak of?"

"Tell us about Marie."  Owen insists.

"Nothing much to say, she's a spoiled brat if I ever saw one."

Henry gets up in my face from across the table I'm sitting at, "The nerve of you, kid!  You kidnap her and then have the gall to call her spoiled?"

My stare turns hard and I look Henry straight in the eyes, "We did not kidnap her, we saved her.  Much like your wife did for Sang five years ago."

That earned me a punch in the jaw.  Owen pulled Henry back in time before he started to really lay in on me.  "How dare you consider what you've done heroic!"  He screams.

"It is.  She was trapped in that car and it was about to go over the edge.  I got her out, I saved her from dying.  We took Marie in just like you took in Sang.  Consider us her foster family.  As for her being spoiled, my father gave her everything she ever needed and wanted; she didn't have to work for anything.  He treated her like his own child, he even gave us both chores to do."  He give a small chuckle, "Not that she had to do them and when she did it was such a half-assed job I had to do it all over again for her."

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