Ch 21: Empty Hallways

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Being grounded isn't so bad. I still have my phone I can talk to my friends on. Kota and Victor have been texting me all day even though we talk during class. Nathan told me he got our costumes for the Back to School dance. He won't tell me what they are, but he said he was going to come over tonight to show me. I warned him, my parents probably won't let him in since I'm grounded, but he shrugged and said not to worry.

I'm leaning against Nathan as we eat lunch in the courtyard. Victor is teasing me about my grounding and Kota is laughing along with us. Out of the corner of my eye I see Gabriel walking over with a large piece of butcher paper rolled up in his hands. Once he gets to our group he stops and smiles at me. Nathan drops his sandwich and drapes an arm around my shoulders.

Gabriel notices and smirks at Nathan before turning to me, "Sang, we have to hang these posters up before lunch ends"

"Princess, do you need help? You might not be able to reach and I don't want you on any ladders." Victor starts to get up just as I do.

"Oy!! You're not on ASB it's not your fucking job it's ours sit your ass down!"

I giggle, because I know Gabriel wants to get me alone so he can get his lick. I wonder what he'd do if I kissed him instead? I can't do that though, the guy is always supposed to kiss first. Maybe a peck on the cheek? The girl can do that first right?

Victor takes a seat again after I tell him I'll be fine. I walk off with Gabriel and he leads me towards the second floor lockers. The hall is empty and we make it all the way to the end of the lockers before he grabs me by the waist and pushes me up against the wall. I'm practically hidden from view- the last locker is to my left and Gabriel is towering over me in front. Behind me is what looks like an abandoned janitorial closet. His arm around my waist and hand on my back burns with intensity. He is so close to me I think he just might kiss me this time. No ones around to interrupt.

He leans in closer and starts to hum. It sounds like an Elvis tune to me, but I can't be sure. He's leaning down, his face barely an inch away. He nuzzles my jawline and lower towards my neck all the while humming that little tune. My heart is beating a million times a minute and I'm getting a little nervous--or maybe anxious. My hands squeeze around the rolled up posters gathered in front of me. I look down and see that I've wrinkled them. This breaks me out of my trance, I jump back a little bumping into the door behind me.

"Gabriel, I'm so sorry I've ruined your posters!"

He snatches them out of my hands and tosses them to the floor. "They're blank, I just needed an excuse to get you away from your friends."

I swallow a big gulp and clasp my hands in front of me. Now that I'm not holding the posters I don't know what to do with them. Slowly, ever so slowly, I unclasp them and put them on Gabriel's chest. He's not as muscular as Nathan or Kota, but he's still firm. I can tell he works out and he has the best collar bones I have ever seen. I haven't seen many, but I'm sure his would win any contest-if contests such as those even exist.

I gather a little courage to drag my palms over his chest towards his stomach. He feels amazing and he steps in closer to me. He's so close my hands are about to be squished in between us so I loop my arms around his waist. With his arm still around mine we are practically hugging. His body is so close to mine I can feel his warmth radiating off of him.

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