Ch 47: Working on Overdrive

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"Are you nervous?" Karen asks me as we drive over to Bob's Diner for my first day of work.

My leg is bouncing up and down, my hands are twitching in my lap, and a small trail of sweat is running down the side of my forehead. "Yes." I answer, not even trying to hide it.

Karen bursts out laughing, "Sang! Don't be nervous, if you're worried about making mistakes, that's what training is for. It's your first day, you're allowed to make mistakes. Besides there aren't many customers at this time of day."

"Now there's going to be customers." I mumble under my breath while looking out the window.

"What was that?" Karen questions.

"There are going to be customers. My friends are coming over to tease me I guess, although they called it helping me practice."

"Sang, they're your friends right? Teasing is okay and getting to wait on customers who won't scream at you for forgetting their ranch or leave you a bad tip is great practice!"

I scrunch down in my seat a little, "But I don't know how to be a waitress, I don't want to look stupid in front of them."

Karen glances over at me, "You really like those guys, huh?" I nod my head and she continues, "Well, if they really are your friends they won't think you're stupid if you mess up. Sure they may laugh, like I did when Wil slipped on the wet floor one day sending the tray of peeled banana skins flying through the air and onto his head, but hey--it's all in good fun as long as no one is seriously hurt. If you mess up laugh it off with them!"

"You're right. I don't think they would ever be mean to me, but I still want to do my best."

"That's what I'm here for, girl! And hey, if they're mean just remember who handles their food." She gives me a pointed look and a wicked grin.

A few minutes later we arrive at Bob's Diner and Karen parks in the back to leave the regular parking for the customers. I see Kota's car in the parking lot already and all the guys are piled in there. Why aren't they inside? As I walk in I try to get their attention, but they pretend they don't see me. Which was obvious, because Luke was staring right at me when I waved then quickly looked away and started whistling. At least what I thought was whistling. I couldn't hear it since their windows were rolled up, but his lips were puckered. It was either whistling or he was getting ready to kiss Nathan in the next seat over.

Karen guides me to the back, shows me where the employee lockers are to keep our personal stuff and then we head to the kitchen to check in with Uncle.

Wil is here, already washing dishes that piled up from the lunch rush earlier today. I never get a chance to talk to him. We are both kind of quiet and he's not in any of my classes. Maybe he'll feel more comfortable talking to me here.

"Hey Wil! This is Sang." Karen introduces me.

"I know. Hi, Sang." He says quietly then goes back to the dishes.

"Little Bird! Glad you could make it. Okay, Ren here is going to train you. Usually we have just one person at the register and others waiting tables, but since it's a slow day you get to wait tables and ring up the customers. And with a pretty face like yours, you'll bring in plenty of tips, so the tables is where you want to be."

I blush at his comment and Karen jokingly says, "Hey, what about my pretty face?"

"Ren, last time I complimented your pretty face you threw a spatula at me. So I'm just going to say you're chop liver."

Everyone in the room laughs, even Wil. We then make our way back to the front.

"Karen, why was Uncle calling you Ren?"

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