Ch. 78: Play Time

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Luke has whipped out the Fun Bag and I am so ready to play with everyone. I'm curious as to how Sean and Owen will blend in with the group. So far everything looks okay. Mr. Blackbourne has taken off his jacket, rolled up his sleeves and undone the top two buttons on his shirt. He even took off his shoes!!

"I don't think I will like this Amusement Bag." Mr. Blackbourne states.

"It's a Fun Bag, Owen." Dr. Green corrects. "And I think it's awesome. What do you have in there?"

Luke opens it up and pulls out a deck of cards and a handful of dice. "Take your pick."

"What are the games though?" I ask, not knowing what the cards or dice are for.

"Nah uh, you pick first then I tell you the game." Luke says.

I hear North mumble behind me, "I hate the fun bag. Luke just tell us what the games are."

"And where's the bottle?" Gabriel asks, "I thought we were going to play spin the bottle this time!"

"No kiss dares or spin the bottle." Nathan snaps at Gabriel.

"What? It's not like we aren't going to all be kissing her soon. We're trying out this relationship thing, right?" Gabriel says with a shrug.

"While that's true Mr. Coleman, I don't think it's appropriate to spring a bunch of kisses on Sang. Let's give her some space."

Gabriel huffs and sits back down, "Fine, I pick cards."

"Sang, what would you like to play?" Victor asks me.

"I'm curious about the dice."  I reply.

"You just like them because they're pink!" Silas says.

I giggle because he's right, "Okay fine the cards!"

Luke put the hot pink dice back in his bag and starts shuffling the cards. "Ready to play Would You Rather?"

"Nooo, this game is stupid!" North shouts trying to snatch the cards away from Luke.

Luke simply laughs and says, "You're just saying that because you always pick the weird stuff."

"Weird stuff, like what?" Kota asks.

"One time..." Luke starts, but is cut off when North slaps a hand over his mouth. "Don't Lucian. I'm warning you."

"We asked him if would rather never be able to drive a motorcycle at all for the rest of his life or have explosive diarrhea every time he rode his bike." Silas says, filling us all in.

"Si! I can't believe you spilled that, it was supposed to be a secret!" North says giving his friend a charlie horse in the leg. Silas barely even flinched, but I did because it looked like it would have hurt had his leg not been so thick.

I turn towards Nathan and hear him groan. "Please tell me you said no bike at all." That's the option I would have picked too, but I'm guessing North loves his bike more than living with uncomfortable bodily functions.

"I chose the bike!" He yells.

"Eeeeeewww!! You dirty fucker!" Gabriel says while laughing.

"I do believe that is highly unsanitary for you and those on the rode." Dr. Green chips in while Mr. Blackbourne just shakes his head back and forth in disbelief.

"It's no big deal." North tries to explain.

"Dude, no one would pick that option!" Luke says, his laughter still hasn't died down and now tears are falling from his eyes.

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