Ch 13: To Ask or Not to Ask

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"Babykins!!! How was your first day of school?"  My mother asks right as I get off the bus. I know any other high school kid would be embarrassed that their parent is waiting for them at the bus stop, but I'm not. Just another thing that makes me not normal! Giving my adoptive parents these types of opportunities and experiences is the least I can do to repay all the things they've done for me. 

"Good Mom! It was really crowded, but I was okay. It helped having my new friends already before school started. I didn't have to worry about where to sit for lunch."

"That's good, I'm glad you are making so much progress. It does seem too fast though. Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yes, Mom. I'm fine. I just had that one nightmare since we moved here. I think it was just from being nervous about school today."

"Well, keep me updated. If anything happens-nightmares, anxiety, panic attacks- you tell me."

"I will."  I nod my understanding.

We finally make it inside our house and I see Dad in the kitchen. I want to start riding with Kota to school, but I'm not sure how to broach the subject with my parents. Would it be better to ask Mom?

"Booger's home!!!" Dad exclaims and walks through the hallway to greet me. He takes my backpack and hangs it on the peg by the door.

"Dad, what have I said about that nickname?" I say with the sternest face I can muster up.

Dad walks over to give Mom a kiss and glances over at me, "Monkey, that face doesn't work. I can see your cuteness right through it."

"Yeah, Pooh Bear, we need to work on your mad face. I actually don't think it's possible for you to be mad!" My parents all laugh at this and I give them a huff and stomp towards my room forgetting about the questions I need to ask them.

Once I'm upstairs I change out of my school clothes into something more comfortable for when I go over to Nathan's house. I tie my hair up in a messy bun and add a headband to keep the long wisps around my face out of the way.

How long should I wait before I go over there? Maybe I should go after I eat dinner. But what if Nathan has snacks or something—then I won't be hungry! I figure it's best to just ask him since I have his number now.

Sang: What time do you want to do homework?

Nathan: Maybe in a few hours? Whenever you want, my dad's not home so no strict curfew or anything.

Sang: okay I'll go over after I have dinner. See you soon!

Nathan: Can't wait ;)

I put my cell phone away in the pocket of my sweatpants and head back downstairs. Mom always cooks an early dinner and it should be ready soon. I figure now's the time while everyone is busy thinking about food to ask them about going over to Nathan's house and letting Kota drive me to school.

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