Ch 39: May the Odds be Ever in Your Favor

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Kota's POV

"When is this team building, bonding stuff going to end so we can go hang out with Sang again." Nathan asks me.

I can tell he's anxious about all the other guys she hangs out with. We've known them since elementary school, but never really became friends. Nathan's worried Sang will want to spend time with them over us. He really likes her--well Victor and I do too.

"We won't get anymore free time tonight. Once this is over we have to go to sleep." I inform Nathan.

Nathan shakes his head and Victor just sighs. I can tell Victor is thinking and wants to say something and he finally does once he looks up from the ground.

"I was thinking about asking Princess out on a date."

I'm dismayed by the announcement, especially after what we all agreed on. I can't even get any words out; I just start counting to calm my nerves

one...two...three If Victor dates Sang then I can't date her. four...five...six We all promised. seven...eight...nine. What has changed? ten...eleven...twelve...

I'm glad Nathan asks what I'm thinking since I'm too busy counting.

"Dude, what the fuck? We all agreed she's off limits!"

Victor's jaw tightens as he glares at Nathan, "You took her to the back to school dance."

"Yeah, that was before we agreed and she danced with all of you. It's not like I hogged her all night. That doesn't even count as a date, we were practically sharing her!"

thirty five...thirty six...thirty seven

"Don't talk about her like she's some sort of toy." Victor snaps back. "Besides, other guys are starting ask her out. Wouldn't you rather it be one of us?"

fifty...fifty one...fifty two...I would rather it be me..fifty four...fifty five

"I would rather it be me!" Nathan voices my thoughts.

"Well, Sang can decide who she wants to go out with." Victor retorts.

Sixty. "Guys, lets just calm down" I urge them, "This arguing and jealousy is the exact thing we were trying to avoid with the agreement. We can either keep it the way it is and deal with seeing her go out with those other guys or we can forget the agreement and deal with her going out with one of us and rejecting the others."

I wait for my friends to absorb the information. It only takes ten seconds for them to come to a conclusion.

Nathan's head pops up, "I say forget the agreement and risk rejection."

"I agree." Victor states with finality, "At least this way we have a shot. If we stick to the agreement we still don't date her anyways."

I was afraid they'd say that. I personally would rather keep the agreement. I'm too scared Sang only thinks of me as a friend. She would definitely like Nathan and Victor more over me. I should have claimed her from the beginning. I was the first to meet her.

"Okay, it's settled. Agreement is off, every man for himself. And if something doesn't go your way no jealousy." I look pointedly at Nathan.

"Jeez, man don't look at me like that. I can't help how I feel sometimes."

We all laugh at that. Nathan can get extremely jealous over things. Not like a crazy obsessed stalker, but just a little to passionate about the things he wants and it has caused some rifts in our friendship when we were younger. We've always been able to pick up the pieces-- I only hope if Nathan's jealousy rears it's ugly head we can do the same now. But...we've never fought over a girl before so it could be a different story. Nathan better control himself.

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