Ch 65: Sisters Grimm

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Sang POV

I'm staring at Dr. Green in shock.  Never in my wildest dreams did I suspect Sean...and I've had some crazy dreams.  He wasn't wearing the white he Volto's helper?  And Owen is Volto.  I'm so confused and that other scent is getting stronger.  The smells are overwhelming me.  The ginger and citrus of Dr. Green mixing with the sweet euphoric scent is making my stomach turn.  I try to focus on what Sean is saying as I shake in fear.

"Shh pookie it's okay, please don't be mad. We needed it to look real."  I don't know why I'm not more mad or trying to escape, but something is telling me to pay attention.  "Sang, we had to test the boys, gauge their skill level."

I'm so confused, I start shaking my head back and forth.  What boys?  My friends?  What does Volto want with my friends?  

"Sean."  I can't focus on what I want to say, what I want to ask because that scent is getting closer.  Almost like jasmine and mint.  No.  Peppermint.  It's sharp, I've smelled it before, but not this strong.  It was just in the background somewhere.

"Sean."  I repeat again trying to gather my thoughts and questions.  I've stopped shaking and when I look up towards him.

"You'll forgive us right?"  He asks and I don't know if he means for kidnapping me or torturing me all these years.  I don't get a chance to answer him because the corner of my eye catches the truth.

"Dr. Green!!!"  I shout just as the hooded figure emerges from the darkness and hits Sean over the head with a crowbar.  He slumps forward unconscious and the sight is frightening.

"Thanks for making my job easier Doc."  The distorted voice of Volto says.

I scoot back, trying to scurry away from Volto.  He steps closer, closing the distance fast.  I can't make my arms and legs work to get up and run, I just keep moving backwards staring up into his white mask until my back comes in contact with a cold wet wall.

I still don't understand.  Sean, Owen, Volto?  I'm so confused and the stress of the entire day is not helping me think.  "What do you want from me?"  I ask the mask man.

"You, Sang.  It's always been you."  He says as he lunges towards me covering my mouth with a damp cloth.

The jasmine and peppermint smell fades as the strong stench of rotten acidic candy overwhelms my senses. I feel Volto take off my bracelet and throw it across the room.  Everything slows down, I can't tell how much time is passing.  I faintly see Volto drag Sean's unconscious body away as my surroundings slowly fade to black.  One minute, maybe ten minutes later I can't tell I'm so sleepy Volto picks me up and carries me to his car.  I hear a faint roar in the distance.  It's sounds like a motorcycle...








I'm dreaming I'm in a deep sleep.  It's funny how I can still think, but I can't move and my brain is telling me I wont wake up until my betrothed gives me a kiss.  I've never had a kiss and I really want one, but not like this.  Not a Sleeping Beauty kiss.  In my dream a figure approaches.  He's supposed to be my Prince, but his face is blurry.  He's getting closer and I can't tell who it is, but he doesn't kiss me, his face just turns into a bright white light...

I begin to wake up with the strong light shining in my face, no it's not strong it's just a regular light, but coming out of the darkness of the warehouse and the darkness of sleep is making it stronger.  My head hurts, but I slowly begin to open my eyes all the way and take a look around.

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