Ch: 31 Within the Lines

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Sang POV - Same night

Getting ready for my date with Silas is overwhelming. It was easy for my date with Gabriel. I didn't know it was a date so I just wore what I had on from school, but he mentioned not dressing up for him, so I felt a little bad. Going with Nathan to the dance was a no brainer because we had costumes, but tonight I want to look nice. Silas had said comfortable clothes, so I'm going with stretchy skinny jeans and a tank top with a light jacket over along with my tennis shoes. I braid my hair and hope that I look somewhat presentable. I don't own any makeup and I don't want to make a big deal out of this and ask my mom for some.

The doorbell rings and I'm glad none of my dads are home except Liam. Silas already met him, so I won't have any explaining to do today.

"Hello, Silas right?" My dad asks as he sticks out his hand and I rush down the stairs.

"Yes, nice to see you again." Silas returns the handshake and smiles at me once I reach the bottom.

"Hi, ready?" I ask wanting to get out of here before Liam decides to pull a Henry.

I grab my purse and start pushing Silas out the front door. Well try to push him--he barely budges, but gets the hint and starts walking out with me. As we make our way down the driveway I hear my dad shout "Have her back by 10!!" Silas waves in acknowledgement as he opens the passenger down for me to get in.


Boomers is a blast. Right when we arrived Silas paid for my admission and got an arcade pass with unlimited tokens on it. First we raced in the go karts, then played a round of miniature golf. At the arcade we played every game imaginable and won enough tickets between the two of us to trade for a giant teddy bear almost as big as me. Before we have dinner Silas wanted to try out the batting cages and here I am struggling to hit something when Silas walks over and teaches me how to properly hold the bat.

"Aggele Mou, you look so tiny in that helmet." He gives it a tap and I hear it echo through.

"This is hard, the ball is moving too fast and I can't swing. It feels funny."

"Here, let me show you." Silas stands close behind me gathering the bat and my hands together in his. He lowers my grasps towards the bottom, but not all the way. My left hand is underneath my right, his hands on top of mine. He then lifts my my right elbow so it's closer to my ear and kicks my feet wider to give me a more balanced stance.

"Okay Aggele memorize this position."

Silas' warmth is radiating through me and making me blush. I can't believe how close he is! He leans over and whispers close to my ear, "Follow my movements". He presses his torso and hips close to mine so I can feel the direction he's moving in and copy him. His left leg takes a small step; shifting his weight from back to front, while at the same time twisting his upper body and bringing the bat around in a full swing. Pushing the bat out and around until I reach the point where I break my wrists and finish the swing to my left shoulder. He demonstrates with me a few more times before letting go and having me repeat the process myself.

Once he thinks I have it down to muscle memory he starts up the balls again. He refuses to make the machine shoot them slower telling me they are easier to hit when they go fast. I miss the first nine!! Silas encourages me the entire time despite how frustrated I'm getting.

I won't give up though! Before he sends the next ball I check my stance and prepare to get a hit this time.


The beautiful sound of the baseball hitting the aluminum bat is music to my ears and I drop the bat and run over to Silas yelling and screaming excitedly! My helmet flies off and somehow I end up in his arms with my legs wrapped around his waist.

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