Ch 19: A Night with Gabe Keeps the Worries Away

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"Hello, sir. Is Sang home?" I hear Gabriel's voice at our front door.

"And who wants to know?" My dad asks.

"Gabriel Coleman, we are on ASB together and we have to pick up some decorations for the dance this weekend"

Oh so that's what we're doing? Why didn't he just tell me that earlier?

"Pooh bear!! Your friend is here!"

I run downstairs still wearing the same outfit I had on earlier at school. I wave goodbye to my parents and head out to Gabriel's car. Once we are inside and drive out of Sunnyvale Court I ask him, "I grabbed the list for decorations; which stores are we going to first?"

"We aren't getting the decorations tonight, Sang. I can do that tomorrow."

"You just told my dad we were going to get decorations."

"Oy!! I fucking lied; parents and Gabriel Joseph Fucking Coleman do not mix. I'm taking you out on a date!"

Oh my god!!! My first date, is this okay? I mean Nathan did ask me and we are going to go on one later. This isn't cheating or anything right? This is so it's okay. We are not in a relationship so I can date other people too. Yes, Sang that's allowed in the normal world. I feel better now- my brain always gets me worked up over nothing.

"Wait. Is that really your middle name?"

"Haha! No, it's my step-mom's way of saying she loves me."

"That's....different", I say for I couldn't think of a better description, "Is she mean?"

"Nah. Sang, I mean it when I say she loves me, she just has some issues. Mainly her stupid ass boyfriends. They're no good for her, but let's talk about you."

"Okay, what about me?"

"First off, get that clip out of your hair. And why didn't you dress up for our date? Do you not like me?"

"Gabriel I didn't know we were going on a date! You didn't tell me or else I would have dressed up. Actually I'm not sure what I would have worn, because I've never been on one."

"I fucking knew it! I knew you were innocent the second I saw you splattered on the bus floor in the middle of the aisle. Sorry for that again, by the way," He glances over at me, "But you do want to go on a date with me right?"

I can see the vulnerability in his eyes. Gabriel is so much fun, and nice, charming, exciting. I don't like the insecurity I see in his eyes. He has so much to offer, but it seems like he chooses to stay isolated at school. His only friend being Luke. Why does he do that? I see the doubt creep up into his eyes as I take too long to answer.

I muster up a little courage and place my hand on his arm, "Yes, Gabriel I want to go on this date with you."

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