Ch 6: Fountain of Gods

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After I made my wish we continue on down the stairs to the middle of the mall. To the left of the center was the fountain which is now behind us. Ahead on the far side of the middle is a play area with giant animals to climb on and hide in. Smack dab in the middle is the most beautiful Merry-Go-Round I have ever seen. Well, its the only one I've ever seen, but it is still striking. It has a red and purple diamond pattern top with gold details ornamenting the edges. The seats are in the shape of horses attached to gold banisters that shine like they are polished after every ride. Kota tells me they are horses right now, but during the holidays they change them to reindeer and sleighs for couples and during Easter they change them to rabbits.

We head over to the black ropes that contain the line. I see a sign that says it costs one dollar per ride. I fish around my purse and take out a five dollar bill from the change I got earlier at Sanrio. I see Kota is starting to get money out too, but I make it to the ticket station first and tell the attendant I need three tickets. He takes my money then gives me the change and I turn to the boys and hand them each a ticket.

"Sang, let me pay you back."

"No. Victor you payed for food, Kota you gave us all quarters for the fountain. It's my turn to do something for my friends." I say with a smile.

"Sang, getting to hang out all day with a princess like you is more than enough for us."

My insides feel like they are melting right now at what Victor just said. Did he just call me a princess?

The current ride stops and all the people and kids make their way off. The attendant opens the gate for all those who have paid for this round to get situated before the ride starts. We make our way over and climb the steps up to the platform. I realize that the horses are kind of high and I'm not sure how to get up there even with using the ceramic stirrup. I look to my left and see a mother picking up her son and placing him on top of the horse. It saddens me to think about how I never got the chance for any of my parents to help me up. I shake away my thoughts and focus on getting on the horse. I see Victor has chosen the horse to the left of me. A steel gray horse with a black mane and black saddle in mid stride like the horse is desperately trying to rescue a damsel in distress.

My horse is a bright white with a gold mane, purple saddle and pink ribbons and a wreath of red roses ornamenting the horses neck. I give a slight shudder at the thought of roses, but I ignore the sick feeling it gives me because I am determined to get on this horse before the ride starts.

I don't have to make much effort though because as I lift my right foot to put it the stirrup and grab the top of the horse to pull myself up, I feel Kota grab me by the waist and lift me up. Frantic about what is going on and in pain at the bruise from Max on my side where Kota's hand is now grabbing I let out a little yelp, but pull it together enough to swing my left leg over and sit on the horse.

"Sang are you ok, what's this on your side? Is this from Max? Sang, you told me you weren't hurt!"

"Kota, it's just a bruise I'm not hurt it's okay."

Kota, looks angry and I think he is mad at me because I didn't tell him. The music starts and I know the ride is about to begin. I turn to thank Kota and realize he is standing next me holding onto the gold banister that is speared through the middle of my horse.

"Thank you Kota for helping me up, aren't you going to get on a horse?"

"I'd rather stay close to you, if that's okay?" he asks in a serious tone and I worry that he isn't getting on a horse because he is upset about my bruise.

"Yes, of course." I say hesitantly.

The ride begins and we start to steadily increase in speed as we make our way around and around. I giggle with excitement and Vitor and Kota laugh along with me. I start to fall a little when the horse begins to move up and down. Kota was right there to steady me. He seems to have forgotten about the bruise and is enjoying himself.

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