Ch 70: Caught in a Web of Lies

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Recap from chapter 65...

A figure comes in through the doorway. "Marie? I think you've upset Sang enough. You can go now." Marie stomps her way out the door like two year old brat and I'm left standing face to face with my captor.


Without the mask.

I recognize him instantly and every encounter I've had with him flashes through my mind. 

Chapter 70.....Sang POV

Cody, the waiter at the Italian restaurant is standing before me.

I remember how nice he was the first time I ate there with the football guys, but when I look back on it. He was angry at them. He made faces at them and spoke to the boys in a clipped tone. He always called me sweetie. I thought everyone around here called people that. For him it must have been a way to avoid calling me his Sweet Sang like in his messages.

And when I didn't make the cheer team he said the person responsible would pay. A week later Cody spilled the bowl of drink on Jade in front of everyone. He did it on purpose.

Gabriel and I hired the restaurant to cater each dance. I was letting him get closer to me!  He was always so caring. He complimented me. I thought he was just being nice.

And all those times he said he was disappointed in me it was after a date. He was jealous. He likes me.

Then when we spied on Mr. Blackbourne. He told us they went in there all the time. He was trying to throw me off. Make me focus on Mr Blackbourne.  And he gave me water with no lemon.  He knew about my lemon and vinegar punishments and made sure to give me water without lemon even though I didn't ask for it like that.  And he remembered my order after only eating there once practically a month before!  Why didn't I think that was strange??

"You're going through everything in your head, aren't you?"  He asks me.

I nod and he gestures for me to sit on the bed.  Slowly I walk over and sit while he stands further away.

"Are you feeling okay, do you need anything?  I can get you more water, anything you need tell me.  I'm so sorry it had to be this way..."

He begins talking about how much he loves me, he's apologizing for things.  He's talking so fast I can barely keep up.

"I'm sorry. I wanted to take you when we found you in the shower. I was so young. You were even younger I just couldn't fathom how a parent could do that to their daughter. By then we hadn't figured out she wasn't your mother."

I catch up with all the information so far, it seems he's been watching me for a long time.  "Why didn't you take me then?  You rescued me from the shower, but you left me there after."

He slowly approaches the bed and sits at the edge, "I love you Sang, you must know that. I wanted to take you but I was just a kid. I had to listen to my father and he... he loved you too, you were like a daughter to him, but at the same time he loved Maggie even more."

"Maggie?"  I ask him.

"My mother, I think you reminded him of her and he couldn't stand how your family was treating you.   He wouldn't take you because he needed your father to confess to what he did first. He was waiting for the right moment, when your father kept denying it and we kept gathering proof, we kept threatening to take you and your sister, but it didn't phase him. He wanted to save his own ass. Keep his affair going, stay out of prison."

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