Ch 27: Sweet Dreams

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I dream I'm in a shower. I'm tied to a stool, the water is burning my face it's so hot. The cords around my wrist and legs are digging into my skin, peeling it away layer by layer. I taste lemon and vinegar in my mouth and it's making my throat scratchy. I try to call out for help, but my voice doesn't work. My dream world turns black. In the darkness I hear a banging. One, Two, Three, then a crash.

I wake up with a scream that gets caught in my throat half way through. I'm breathing hard, I sit up and feel my wrists- they're okay. It was just a dream, Sang. I hear thundering footsteps making their way up the stairs and I know my parents heard me. Off to the doctor for me!

My room door burst open.

"Babykins are you okay?" My mom leans down and wraps her arms around me.

"Yes, just a nightmare."

"The same one?" Dad asks.

It feels crowded in my room with the added people, or maybe it's just stress from my dream that's making the room feel smaller.

"No, it was different. I was trapped and calling for help and no one came. Then there was this banging noise."

"Maybe someone was trying to help you. To get into wherever you were trapped?"

I think about my dream and remember it was exactly like the picture Volto sent me. I remember the door was hanging off it's hinges like someone broke it down. Maybe that was the noise I was hearing. Why would I dream about a picture?

"Maybe" I reply, not wanting to discuss it further out of fear I might slip and reveal my suspicions about Volto to them.

"Well, Sang, you know what this means?"

"Yes, I have to go see Dr. Roberts."

"He'll know what to do. Maybe he can recommend someone who can help with these dreams or with moving on from your family's death. I'll make the appointment, okay?"

"Okay" I tell her in a whisper.

My parents leave my room and I go back to sleep so I'm not tired when I head back to the gym to take down the decorations. It wouldn't be fair to Gabriel if I'm a zombie and not helping.


After finishing taking down all the decorations at the gym I find out my Mom made the appointment for that same day. I didn't think she would make it for so soon. It gives me no time to prepare, but maybe it's a good thing. I don't have much time to think it over in my head and drive myself crazy.

We arrive at the Academy Hospital where Dr. Roberts works.

"Hello Miss Sang, it's been a long time since I've last seen you. You're all grown up now!"

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