Ch 76: Reflection

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Sang POV

My family and I are back at Dr. Roberts' office.  This time it's not about my nightmares, it's a family counseling session to work through everything that has happened and any hurt feelings that are still lingering.

I'm pretty much over it.  I spoke to Henry and then later to the rest of my dads.  I think all of us learned some very important lessons.  Lessons that the Academy has always put forth-- I should have trusted my family, I should have told them about Volto.  My fathers learned not to keep secrets, especially when it's unnecessary.  

I'm still on the fence about the Academy.  I know I want to join, but can I be on Owen and Sean's team?  I know they were just doing their jobs, but when I look back at their actions, they were trying to tell me about their Academy status.  I was just too blinded by Volto and my theories to notice.  Would they accept me on their team?  Will my friends join them too?  Yesterday I told them about the Academy and they were kind of skeptical, but with my sleepover coming up I think I can convince them to join.  I'm inviting Owen and Sean too.  They, along with my parents, can help explain the Academy to the boys better than I can.  I just hope if they decide to join that they might want me on their team too.  

I know it's frowned upon to have a lone bird on an all dog team.  My parents were successful with it, but many groups have tried and failed.  The majority of the birds end up choosing one guy and running away with him or forming a couples group.  I wouldn't want that to happen to us.  I could never choose just one guy; I know that even though I haven't known them for very long.  But will the guys feel the same about me?  I can't be sure.  I would never want to hurt them and I wouldn't want them to forgo joining the Academy just because they don't think the group would work.  Maybe I shouldn't join their team.  I need to talk about it, but I'm afraid to ask my parents.  I know they've given other Academy members advice about this situation, but those members weren't their children.  A teenager asking to start dating is one thing... your teenager asking to start dating multiple guys to see if they can be an Academy group is a whole different story!  Maybe I don't have to date them, we can just be teammates...

My thoughts are broken when Dr. Roberts continues, "So I hear you have worked out a lot of the issues, I'm glad.  Is there anything specific you want to discuss right now before we get into other matters?"

"I think we've all learned that secrets can be toxic, especially in a family."  Lily says.

"Good, good.  That seems to be a big problem within the Academy."  Dr. Roberts explains, "As members we keep secrets from friends, from relatives.  Whether about the Academy itself or jobs we are on and sometimes that habit moves over into family life.  You need to remember that your family are people you can trust, you don't need to keep secrets from them."

I look around and see all my dads nodding.  It's true what Dr. Roberts says.  I'm sure there are many Academy groups who have problems with secrets.  They are so used to keeping things private about the Academy that they develop the bad habit of keeping things from the most important people in their lives.  The same people who are willing to help you.

"Speaking of secrets," I say as a thought pops into my mind, "You knew about Owen and Sean didn't you?" I ask Dr. Roberts.

He nods and gives me a small smile, "I did.  I actually helped set them up for the job.  I'm mentoring Dr. Green and I thought their group would be a good fit to look after you."

I laugh out loud at this.  I don't why it's so funny, maybe because looking back at the big cluster poo that was the past few months I should have seen it all coming.

My family joins in with my laughter although nervously because I'm not sure they know why I'm laughing.

"Now that we have the family business out of the way, I want to share a few things with you that I discovered yesterday."  Dr. Roberts says hesitantly.  We stare at him with curiosity while he continues, "I discovered some things that may explain why your step mother was so harsh with you."

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