Ch 14: Front Seat, Back Set, Passenger Seat Driver...and Sang

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I race into the house yelling at the top of my lungs, "Dad!!!  Dad!!!  Where are you?"

I hear the footsteps of my parents thundering down the stairs, "Babykins what happened?  Are you okay?", my Mom asks me in a panic.  I didn't mean to frighten them, but I guess I was being kind of loud.

"I'm fine, nothing's wrong.  I just wanted to tell you guys Kota said he would meet you and take the driving test.  He said he could do it tonight if you wanted."

"That's a hundred bucks!  I told you he would do it!"

My dad grumbles and hands over the cash for the bet they apparently made while I was at Nathan's.  I'm not sure if I should be mad, but I am so excited about driving with Kota tomorrow that I just ignore it.  I shouldn't get my hopes up too fast...Kota still needs to pass Dad's "test".  And I know he has some tricks up his sleeve. My dad gives driving training to many Academy members, I hope he's not thinking of using any of those techniques today.


My parents go silent at the sound of the doorbell.  We never had visitors at our old house so they probably don't even know what a doorbell sounds like. They all turn to stare at the door like it's the Grim Reaper coming to collect.  I figure it's just Kota, so I head over to answer it. "Hi Kota!  Oh and Nathan, I didn't know you were coming too."

"Yeah I wouldn't miss this for the world!", he says with a grin.  I see Kota shoot him a glare, but he schools his face once he enters my house.

I turn around and don't see my parents anywhere in sight.  Where did they go?

A minute later Dad comes down the stairs. His dark hair with specks of gray is freshly combed back and he his holding his black leather jacket in front of him and when he makes it to the bottom of the stairs he starts to put it on.  That's when I see it.  The t-shirt.  When did he get that?  It's black with white writing on it that says in all capital letters:







Great!  Just great!  Let's just scare my new friends away, not to mention ruin my chances of completing my assignment!  It's not like Kota is asking me out, he's just driving me to school and back.  Now that I think about it, Nathan did ask me on a date.  We never really discussed details, so maybe the date won't happen, but I wonder what he thinks of the shirt?

I look over at the boys and see Nathan swallow a huge gulp.  He scratched the back of his head and starts shifting from foot to foot like he's weighing out his options for escape.  He's not even the one being tested and he's nervous!  I take a glance at Kota and see that he is calm and collected.  How is he not intimidated?  

Kota takes a step forward and sticks out his hand, "Nice to meet you, sir.  I'm Kota."  

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