Ch 61: On the Hunt

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Gabriel's POV

"What do you mean Mr. Blackbourne hacked her phone?" I ask Victor. We are all huddled in front of Bob's Diner waiting for Sang and Luke to get here so we can fucking eat. I'm starving and Victor is spouting off random shit about our teacher.

Victor closes his laptop. "She asked me to see who hacked her phone. I traced the computer used and it's registered to an Owen Blackbourne. I think Sang was right. He really is following her. He's up to something."

"Fuck, fuck, shit." North grunts out.

"My words exactly!" I exclaim. "Now what do we do? We tell the school?"

"He is the school." Kota interjects.

"Her dad can help I bet." Nathan says. "We should tell him. Her parents will know what to do."

"I'll protect Aggele, I'm not letting anyone hurt her."

"Fuck you Silas! We can't all be giants. I can protect her too you know." I don't know why I'm getting jealous. I'm concerned about Sang and now is not the time to let my insecurities get in the way.

North, Nathan, Victor, Silas and Kota all start arguing about what to do with Sang. It sounds like Kota is giving out orders. I can barely pay attention he's talking so fast.

"Help!" That beautiful voice makes all our heads turn, but the distress in Sang's voice makes my heart drop.

I see her several yards away running towards us. Who the fuck dressed her this morning? And where are her shoes?!?! Ahh I need to fucking focus, Sang needs help! I shake my head to ease my thoughts and start to move towards her. That's when I see a black SUV turning the corner way fucking over the speed limit. It's headed straight towards her. My god damn feet freeze in place and I can't seem to get words to come out of my mouth to warn her.

"Sang!! Watch out!" North bellows and it wakes me from my frozen state just in time to see some mother fucker jump out of the car and take my Trouble. A bag thrown over her face covering her beautiful chameleon hair.

In a split second Sang and the car are gone. I'm speechless, I don't know what to do. Sang has just been kidnapped. I see North jump on his motorcycle and take off in the direction the SUV went. Nathan tried running after the car. He made it to the side passenger window but couldn't open the door or latch onto anything when the SUV swerved out of his way.

Kota is on the phone I hope calling 911, Silas looks like he's about to have a heart attack. It doesn't keep him from yelling in Greek to Victor who is furiously typing on his laptop.

"mi̱dén. októ̱!!!!"

"Stop yelling! I don't understand you!!" Victor yells towards Silas.

"Sas léo̱ ti̱n pinakída!!!!!!"

"I'm trying to find Sang, hold on!" Victor shouts back.

"Zero.. Eight...I'm telling you the license plate!!" Silas yells.

"Don't need it." Victor continues to ignore him while furiously typing on his laptop.

I figure Uncle should know about this since Sang was taken in front of his Diner. I rush inside and head towards the back only to run into Karen.

"Oy!! Where the fuck is Uncle?"

"Good morning to you too Gabe." She retorts.

"This is a god damn emergency!! Where is Uncle?"

"Cool it. He's not here, he had to run some errands before coming in."  She says as she puts down a tray of drinks.

I let out a big sigh and run my hand through my hair. "Do you know where Luke is?"

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