Ch 12: Proposals, Cheers and Red Gummy Bears

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My first block of classes went by fast. After lunch I have my second medical magnet class, Japanese and PE. When the bell rang for lunch I didn't realize how hungry I was, but my stomach gives a loud growl that I'm sure everyone in the hallway heard. I make my way towards the cafeteria and see a long line for food, but it seems to be moving fast. As I stand in line I overhear some of the other students talking about last year.

"Yeah, him and McCoy got fired last year."

"Really, what happened?"

"I don't know, but Hendricks was furious!! I saw him storm out of here with a box full of his stuff stammering about money and shit."

"I heard cops showed up and took McCoy out in handcuffs!"

"I heard it took three cops and a stun gun to haul him out!"

"You guys are crazy, it would have been all over the news if any of that happened! I'm just glad they're gone. Hendricks was a jerk and McCoy gave me the creeps."

"Same here. Everything's so much better now, no never ending lunch lines, no fire drills, no Friday Fall..."

"Hey it's still the first week of school, there's still a chance of Friday Fall."

"Nah, no way! Not with Mr. Blackbourne patrolling the halls. I swear he's psychic. He's everywhere trouble is."

So... some faculty members got fired last year and Mr. Blackbourne seems to be cleaning up the school. And what is this Fall Friday? I should ask Kota or Victor, they would know.

The line moves fast and I pay the cashier for my sandwich, apple and water bottle. As I'm heading to the courtyard to sit with my new friends a group of students stop in front of me. One student drops to one knee, with his hands clasped together and looks up at me.

"Will you marry me?"

Is this kid for real? I need to get close to the people on my assignment list, but not that close!

"Umm, sorry Mike. I can't."

His eyes go wide and he stands up. "You know my name?"

Good one Sang! Way to let that slip! Think of something quick! I remember he was in one of my earlier class, which one was it??

"Yeah, you're in my History class right?"

"So you noticed me then? I noticed you too, new girl. Uh by the way what's your name?"



"Sang" He stares at me blankly, so I'm guessing he still doesn't comprehend my name. So I try again. "My name is Sang."

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