Ch 7: Academy Files- Sang on the Case

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As I lay in bed on top of my covers I think about the mall adventure I had today. I barely felt scared or had any anxiety when it was just me and my two new friends. Other people- no such luck. Maybe it's because I don't know those other people and since Kota and Victor are part of my assignment I know they are not killers. Which reminds me, I should review my assignment again and get to know all the persons of interest. The last time I read it was over two weeks ago before we moved here to Sunnyvale Court.

I jump off my bed and crawl over to the small attic space behind my bookshelf. As I grab the thick folder my eye catches the one book thats not on my regular bookshelf. I shudder at the thought of what it contains and quickly close the small attic door. I don't want those bad thoughts ruining the fun time I had today and the progress I made.

I open the folder and start to browse over Kota's dossier. Everything pretty much fits with what I have come to know about him. Single mom, sister, lives on Sunnyvale Court. The assignment note at the bottom of his page indicates the Academy is interested in what advanced courses he is taking at the high school and any other talents he may possess. I'll be able to get more information on this when I visit him to go over the course catalog for registration.

Victor's dossier contains many pictures and clipping from newspapers. He seems to be a trained pianist and his parents are incredibly wealthy. One piece of information that has caught my eye in his file is the high volume and suspicious internet activity throughout the Morgan household. The Academy wants me to determine whether this is just due to such a large household or some other reason.

The next picture I come across is of Gabriel Coleman. His piercing blue eyes are crystal like and I feel like I'm getting lost in them by just looking at his picture. A brief summary of his family's deaths reminds me of my own situation. He currently lives with his stepmom. Maybe we can be friends. Maybe he can tell me how he gets through what happened to him and help me with my problems. How does he seem so normal in this picture and yet I don't. Is it really the loss of my family holding me back? Or is it the unknown of who is out there?

The next persons of interest are bundled together in one stack. As I skim through them briefly I notice they are all football players on the Ashley Waters team. The Academy has already attached the practice and game schedule at the end of this stack. It looks like they are at the tail end of summer practice two-a-days and are due for something called "Hell Week" before the official game season begins about a month into the school calendar.

The assignment note states to determine which of these players will fit into more physical and intimidating roles in the Academy. Look for physical strength, size, courage and mental focus. The first player is named Rocky. I wonder if that is his real name or just a nickname? The file doesn't indicate. I flip the page and instantly recognize the next person of interest as the Greek god from the mall. So he's a football player, that makes sense, he's a giant! I skim over the details- lives with father and brother, dad owns a plumbing company, he really is Greek...hmmm... no mention of girlfriend. I wonder who that little pink bag was for.

The next person of interest is a football player named Jay, there is not much to his file except that he is related to another person of interest; his twin sister Jade. A cheerleader. Getting close to these two will be difficult since there is not much in their file to go on.

The last football player on the person of interest list is North Taylor brother of person of interest Luke Taylor. I flip a few pages to find the file on his brother. As I look back and forth I realize that there is no resemblance. I read closely and find out that Luke was raised by his uncle after being abandoned by his biological father who went on later to adopt North. They both now live with the uncle who owns a diner close to where I live. Interesting. I wonder if they work there too? Getting a job there would be a good way to get close to them.

The next two files aren't that interesting. A boy named Derrick who lives down the street from me, a student named Mike and a girl named Karen all are in my same grade.

The next file is also a neighbor of mine. A boy named Nathan Griffin. Why have I not seen him before? The file lists a bunch of interests and hobbies mostly to do with the outdoors and working out. I wonder how I can get to know him when being outdoors was something I never practiced for the last five years.

With a sigh I move on to the end of the files, there's only a couple more persons of interest left. Wow, a doctor is on this list and he looks so young!! I didn't remember that from the first time I read these files. I read briefly that he is a child genius that is now practicing to be a doctor at just 19. His role at Ashley Waters is Japanese teacher, school doctor and Assistant Director of Education to a Mr. Owen Blackbourne. They are in charge of implementing a Medical Magnet program at Ashley Waters. This is their second year at the school.

Right when I am about to turn the page to find out more about the last person of interest my mom interrupts with, "Sang!! Dinner is ready!!!"

I decide that I can use a few seconds to at least look at this Blackbourne character's picture before I head down.

"I made your favorite chicken Marsala with strawberry cheesecake for dessert!

My stomach grumbles in excitement at hearing what's for dinner so I close the assignment file, toss it in the attic space and hurry downstairs without even a worry as to who is Mr. Owen Blackbourne.

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