Ch 33: I Spy an Amatuer

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"Fuck! He saw us." Gabriel pulls me down in the backseat of the car.

"We are so not good at this." Nathan says.

We can be if we all get to join the Academy, I think to myself.

We have been following Mr. Blackbourne for the past hour and he hasn't done anything suspicious. After he left school we thought he would head straight home, but nope! He took us on a tour of the city.

First he drove to pick up his dry cleaning. Yes, you guessed it--more suits. Next, he stopped by the bank and used the ATM. Nathan used some binoculars Kota had in the back to see if he could see the screen of the machine and his account balance. Nathan is convinced he is a rich drug dealer with a teaching job as a cover because he is able to afford so many nice suits. Gabriel thinks he's simply an alien studying people at Ashley Waters and became obsessed with me because of my chameleon hair-- which is apparently rare in outer space. Supposedly, the theory goes as far as Mr. Blackbourne chopping off all my hair and taking it to his home planet for the entire alien colony to worship. He further confirms his theory by explaining 'no one is that serious-- he has to be from outer space to act like that 24/7'. Kota just shakes his head at all their theories.

After a few more stops for errands we have now stopped at the local Italian restaurant. Mr. Blackbourne just got out of his car and is leaning on the front hood waiting for someone. He looked over our way, but I don't think he really saw us. We are parked across the street at a different shopping center. There is no way he recognizes Kota's car and there's no way he can see us in the darkness of the vehicle.

Nathan is also crammed on the floor of the back seat with Gabriel and me. We figured it was best that only Kota could be seen in the front. It would raise suspicion if he saw me. Gabriel is still holding me down and my elbow is ramming into Nathans back while his knee is jammed into my side. Gabriel is practically hugging me and I'm starting to cramp up in the contorted position we are in.

"Is he still looking? I can barely breathe back here." Nathan asks.

Kota checks, taking his time while we sweat on each other and poke our limbs together in these close quarters. "He's not looking this way. Who do you think he's meeting up with?"

We all get up from the back and take deep breaths. I'm rubbing my side were Nathan's knee was pressed and he's rubbing his shoulder.

"Sorry Peanut, didn't mean to hurt you." He tells me.

"No worries, I think we're even" I smile back and start to rub his shoulder for him. He closes his eyes and takes deep breaths, relaxing under the touch of my massage.

"Oww my back hurts too. Where's my massage Sang?" Gabriel asks.

I laugh and turn from Nathan and give Gabriel a quick massage even though I know he's making it up.

Kota answers his own question we all chose to ignore earlier, "Maybe he's just meeting up with a date or something. We should try again tomorrow."

"A date? Really? There is no fucking way! I cannot see Mr. Owen Serious Shit Blackbourne asking out a woman."

Nathan ponders what Gabriel has said, "Why wouldn't he? He must date to at least hook up. Any woman would go out with a guy that looks like that."

I think about Nathan's point. Mr. Blackbourne is handsome. To me though, the mysteriously dark and serious nature he has is off putting. I remember our first tutoring session. It was the first time he had actually started to relax and I saw a glimpse of what the real Owen Blackbourne might be. I actually had fun debating back and forth on the different scenarios. Why does he act so hot and cold all the time?

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