Ch 64: Inside the Mind of Perfection

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The previous school year...

"Congratulations boys, you've officially completed your first assignment. I have to say I didn't think you could do it within a year, but I should have known the youngest Academy graduates could do anything." Phil Roberts shakes mine and Sean's hands as Hendricks and McCoy are ushered out of the school by the police.

I clear my throat and run my hand down the front of my tie. "We still have a deal about the other thing?"

Our very first Academy assignment included investigating the school and cleaning up it's reputation. Turns out the Principal and VP were mixed up in drugs and fraud. They were money launderers working for a drug cartel. JH- 14 started circulating high schools starting with Ashley Waters. The money earned from selling the drugs would then be funneled through different accounts and used to "buy" school supplies from fake companies owned by the cartel, of course the school supplies never arrived. We got the launderers, we got the dealers, we did not get the supplier, but that wasn't our job. At the same time I planned on scouting the school for recruits and adopting them. I made a deal with Dr. Roberts. We get the job done within a year and we can recruit new members no questions asked.

Dr. Roberts laughs and clutches his stomach. "Always down to business Owen! Yes, I made a promise." He leans in closer giving me a grin, "I suppose you already know who you want on your team?"

"I do. I've been scouting the school and there are many potential recruits. I've narrowed it down to seven who I believe will work well together with the two of us." I tell him as I gesture to Sean and myself.

"Of course! Of course! But..."

Oh dear there's a but. There is always a string attached to anything Dr. Roberts proposes. I listen closely as he continues. "...but I do believe you should hold off on submitting those adoption papers. I hear a certain veteran team would like a meeting with you. They have an assignment and are offering a hefty amount of favors. You could use those to complete the adoptions and whatever complications may come with them."

I think about his words. He's not giving much to go on in order to make a decision. I turn towards Sean and we have our silent communication that we've developed from being around each other so much. Once we've decided on a plan I turn back to Dr. Roberts. "We might be interested. Could you organize a meeting? Which team is it?"

Dr. Roberts grins, "The Anderson team."

Four dogs, one bird. The only team in the Academy to succeed in having a lone bird on an all dog team. If anything I'll go to this meeting just to get an inside scoop on how this team functions.

I give Dr. Roberts a nod, "Set up the meeting."

June (Summer before Sang starts Sophomore year.)

"I'm glad you agreed to the meeting. Please have a seat."

I take a seat in front of Henry Anderson's desk. His office also contains four other desks and plenty of pictures. Pictures of all the dogs and their one bird. Along with a haunting picture of a young girl that makes my heart stop. I try to ignore the beautiful green eyes and focus on the Academy member before me. "I apologize Dr. Green couldn't be here. He has a shift at the hospital. So, what assignment did you have in mind for us?" I ask him.

"A very important one and we are prepared to give ten favors each."

Now I'm really curious. I try not to look anxious, but I can't help but lean forward to listen closely as he continues, "Many in the Academy heard we adopted a baby bird a few years ago. She hasn't been well. She won't leave the house and we feel it's imperative to her health to get her out in the real world again." He pauses as he takes a deep breath, "So, I've created a fake assignment for her."

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