Ch 41: From C to Shining D

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It's almost six a.m. and I'm already up and out of my tent. I walked over to the boy's side and I'm hiding behind some bushes waiting for the chaos to begin.

Wil is the first to wake up in their tent. When the zipper reaches the end it snaps the cord and there's enough time for Wil to be directly under the balloons when they fall above him.


He's stunned for a second then comes to and wipes the shaving cream off his face. He looks over when he hears me giggling from the bushes. I try to duck back, but he saw me anyways and gave me a smile and small shake of his head.

He grabs his clothes to go shower and change. While he walks by I whisper a quick sorry.

He stops beside the bush I'm hiding behind, "It was funny, Sang. Don't be sorry." I see a small blush cross his cheeks right before he walks away.

In the other tent I can already hear the guys waking up and moving around. Then I hear Luke yell, "Snake!! Snake!!" followed by a roaring, "What the fuck!" I guess that's North. The tent is shaking from side to side and I can hear the guys scrambling.

The zipper opens and Rocky is the first one out and running away from the 'snake'.

"Shut up, I'm trying to sleep!!" I hear Gabriel's muffled voice yell out.

"Chill North it's just a piece of rope." I hear Victor mumble still half asleep. Victor gets out of the tent followed by North and a laughing Luke.

North just grunts, but when he notices Victor's face he pauses. He doesn't say anything, just shakes his head and chops Luke on the head when he walks away to go shower and change.

I'm giggling uncontrollably and Luke and Victor make their way over.

"Up to no good Princess?"

I can't stop laughing at all the makeup on his face. He must have been tossing and turning during the night because it's smeared all over. Or...I'm just that bad at applying makeup. He doesn't even know it's on him!!

"Yes, Victor. Let's wait for the others to wake up."

All three of us crouch behind the bushes. They aren't really big enough for all three of us, but we make do.

Kota wakes up next and steps out of the tent holding his socks and shoes while carefully avoiding the splattered shaving cream on the ground. He steps off to the side and starts to put on his socks.

The image of Kota pulling his socks all the way up to his knees and then staring at them like they are some foreign object is hilarious. All three of us start laughing and when Kota spots us we laugh even harder.

"Where the fuck are my clothes!!!!" Gabriel's finally awake. He stomps out of his tent and immediately spots us behind the bushes.

"Luke, if you fucking touched my clothes I swear!"  He points a finger at Luke.

"Hey, how do you know it wasn't Sang?" Luke asks

Gabriel takes a look at me and my pouting lip, "Trouble! Put that lip in. I know you had something to do with this too."

"Meanie. I'll tell you where your clothes are if you want."

"Yes!! Just give me my clothes back and I won't spank that pretty ass of yours."

My giggle gets caught in my throat when I hear him say that. Would he really do that?  I smile at Gabriel and point to the bag hanging in the tree.

I'm surprised no swear words come out of Gabriel's mouth when he looks up and sees the trash bag dangling from the tree. All I hear is a strangled cry. He must really love his clothes. Now I feel bad. But not bad enough to tell him where they really are before he climbs that tree!!

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