Ch 54: Happy Birthday to Me!

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Sang's POV

"Shhh!! She's asleep, now the party can really start."

"Gabriel are you sure?" I ask him as we peek into the family office. Gabriel opens the door and lets it bang against the opposite wall. I jump at the noise and instantly hide behind the corner in case Lily wakes up. I peek back around and sure enough she's out like a light. I giggle and Gabriel takes my hand to guide me back to the living room.

"Look what I brought!!" Luke says while dangling a duffle bag in front of us.

North groans, "Not the fun bag!"

"Yes the fun bag! It's Sang's birthday we can't have a party without the fun bag!"

Nathan looks curious, "What's in the fun bag?"

"Silly shit Luke always whips out when we hang out." Gabriel says.

Luke starts to unzip the bag and take items out. I briefly notice some game boards and that a Ryan Gosling coloring book? "Okay I know only North, Silas and Gabriel have experienced the fun bag, but trust me you're going to love it. Gabe turn out the lights."  Luke says.

We gather in a circle and Luke sets a board out in front of us along with some sort of heart shaped device.

"A Ouija board? Really?" Kota asks.

"How do you play?" I ask, not knowing what this game entails.

"It's easy, Sang. We just ask the spirits a question and they answer through the board by using the energy in our hands to move the planchette." Luke explains.

"Spirits?" Nathan snickers.

"Oy! Yes, fucking spirits, just go with it!  I get the first question!!" Gabriel says excitedly.

There's not enough room for all of us to place our hands on the planchette so Gabriel, Luke, Nathan and I take the first round.

"Oh spirits, tell me who snores the loudest!"

Nothing happens. I'm not sure what was supposed to happened, but I assume the planchette is supposed to move, but it stays steady. We wait a little longer until it moves quickly to the letter N.

"N-O-R-T-H. North! Haha the spirits are right!" Luke exclaims.

North just grunts, "I don't fucking snore, how many times do I have to tell you Lucian?"

"Until you stop waking me up in the middle of the night with your snoring that I can hear through the wall!!" He retorts.

"Okay I'm next." Nathan says. "Oh spirits tell me if I will get a good grade on my math test."

Instantly the planchette moves towards the corner where the word 'No' is written.

"Fuck you guys! Not funny." Nathan says to Luke and Gabriel.

"Me! Me! I have one now." We adjust our hands on the planchette to get ready for Luke's question. "Oh spirits please tell me the girl I will marry!"

I giggle at the question and while keeping my finger tips light I watch the planchette smoothly move towards a letter.

"S" Luke tells the guys further away.

"Stop." North demands, but the planchette keeps moving.


"I said fucking stop." North bellows while throwing a pillow at Luke.

He just laughs it off and waits for the planchette to move to the next letter. It starts moving down towards the second row of letters but stops. The planchette is shaking almost like it's encountering resistance. I see it struggling to move towards the opposite end of the board. It moves an inch and I hear Nathan grunt. I notice his knuckles are white against the planchette and he and Luke are in some sort of staring contest.

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