Ch 26: The Raven Was Called Sin

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"Hey Sang!  Ready to set up?"  Gabriel looks up from his phone and makes a horrified face, "What the fuck happened to your hair?!?!"

I start laughing because I had forgotten my mom colored it last night.  "It's only temporary dye.  I need dark hair for my costume tonight."

"Well I don't like it. Looks like shit, but if it's only temporary I guess I can forgive you."

"Very funny, Gabriel.  Do you really think we can transform this entire gym, just the two of us, before everyone gets here?"

"Well, we have to do it faster than that, we still need time to get back home and get ready.  So lets not waste time.  Chop, Chop!"

Gabriel and I spend the next four hours transforming the gym into a place ready for the back to school dance.  So far, it looks like crap.  We moved some lunch tables from the cafeteria into the gym, along with chairs for people to sit down.  We've set up two long tables on one side of the gym where the snacks and drinks will be set up.  We hired the Italian restaurant in town to cater with small appetizers that would be easy finger foods and they are making a special virgin Bloody Mary drink for us too.  We set up the dance floor we rented and sanctioned off a space for the DJ to set up his equipment when he arrives later today.  We've blown up about a million balloons.  Okay, maybe only one hundred and we are making balloon arches for the entrance and around the DJ booth.  Gabriel put me in charge of making the centerpieces for the tables.  I'm hoping once it's night time with no lights it will look great, or at least be dark enough for no one to notice how lame it looks right now.

"Gabriel, are you sure people are going to like this?  I'm mean balloons?  I know I've never been to a dance before, but aren't balloons for kiddie parties?"

"Oy!!  Sang, what the fuck?  My balloon arch is awesome!  Who else can combine these colors and make a swirl out of balloons?"  He starts laughing at the confused face I'm making and smiles before telling me, "Sang, don't worry.  These balloons aren't the decorations.  They are just an easy way to make partitions.  The real decorations are in here."

He grabs my hand and walks me over to the supply closet.  Once he opens it I see four boxes filled with lights, lanterns and bolts of fabric.  

"Okay, so we have lights and glowy lantern things.  What's the fabric for?"

"Sang, once we are done, this gym is going to look like the hottest nightclub in town!  See those Easy-Ups?"  I look over and nod.  "We are going to make VIP sections out of those.  I also had the maintenance guy bring in the cherry picker so we can string the decorations from the ceiling.  You ready to start?"

I was still confused as to how Gabriel was going to make this gym look like a nightclub, but I trusted that he knew what he was doing.  Before I had a chance to answer Gabriel, my cell phone started ringing.  I glance down at my bra where I keep it and notice it's making my boob glow.  Gabriel follows the noise and light and gives me a smirk, "Nice pockets."

I blush and turn a little to the side so I can slip it out, "Hello?"

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