Ch 59: Kotov Syndrome

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Kotov Syndrome - In chess the phenomenon when a player does not find a good plan after thinking long and hard on a position. The player, under time pressure, then suddenly decides to make a move, often a terrible one which was not analysed properly.


It's been quiet so far this Saturday morning. Today three of my dads are on assignment and Lily is running errands. Henry is the only one home. When I woke up this morning I felt groggy and in pain because I fell asleep on my desk again and I now have a cramp in my neck. I spent all last night after the talent show finishing my recruitment recommendations.

All nine spots have been filled. Kota for his leadership skills and intelligence. Nathan for his athleticism and knowledge of the outdoors. Victor for his computer skills, Gabriel for his creativity and design talents. North and Silas both have tremendous strength and the Academy loves members who can fit into intimidating roles. Luke has stealth skills that I have never seen before and I think the Academy would benefit greatly from them.

I've also included brief reports on incidents that have happened while going to school with them. Luke's lock picking, Kota falling from a balcony and surviving, Luke knowing sign language, Victor's hacking into secured police files. They won't get into any trouble, the Academy will overlook that since no one got hurt.

I also gave a spot to Dr. Sean Green. He is incredibly intelligent and is already set to become a doctor at his young age. The Academy hospital needs more doctors and I'm positive Dr. Roberts would mentor Sean.

And reluctantly I gave a spot to Owen Blackbourne. If I'm wrong about this whole Volto thing I believe he would make an excellent candidate for the Academy.

I go through the report one more time checking for typos. Then I make the cover sheet with just the recommended recruits names and rankings. I print it all out, staple the corner and head downstairs to show Henry so he can check it before handing it over to the Academy.

Before I make it out the door I hear my phone vibrating and go to check it. It's a text from Victor.

VICTOR: Hi Princess! A bunch of us are headed to the Diner for breakfast. Want to come with us? My treat :)

SANG: Okay, I'll be there. Just have to finish some things up :)

I send the message and then see my phone flash and blink a few times. I take a look at it and now code is running across the screen. This is not normal and with the lessons my parents have given me over the years I know my phone has been hacked.

I think back to the day Volto left the rose and note in my attic. That was the first time Volto had come into my room. I checked everywhere for cameras, listening devices, everything and came up with nothing, but I didn't check my phone. Sang, you're so stupid! Of course the phone would have been the easiest place to hack or plant a listening device. I've left it in my gym locker everyday for P.E.!!!

I take off my case and fiddle with the back. It pops open and I don't find any listening devices. He must have hacked into my phone and recorded all the calls and texts. And Volto must have tapped into the microphone. Turning it on to record when noise is around it or simply listen in whenever he wants.

I want to call Victor back and ask him if he can quickly access my phone to trace who hacked into it, but if Volto is listening he'll hear me. Maybe I want him to hear? I decide that's the best option. Find out who Volto is and force him to appear, I've waited long enough to find out his true identity. I'm telling Henry today anyways after I give him my assignment report. My family will keep me safe.

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