Ch 36: Private Eyes

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After the conversation with my family and all the new information to absorb I feel a little drained, but I still have lots to do before this weekend. Tomorrow is the Sophomore camp out and I want to finish all my homework first, then I have to pack for the trip and get to bed before my early wake up call.

I'm finishing up the questions for the English project I have with Jay. I've read the book, jotted down some notes, answered the questions and we are meeting up next week.

I log into my email account and shoot off an email to him confirming the day and time we will meet up after school. Before I'm able to logout and turn off my computer a chat box appears.

Great! It's my best friend Volto!

LoveRoots6: Did you receive my gift, Sang?

Sang: Your 'gifts' suck!

LoveRoots6: Do you believe me now?

Sang: I just want you to leave me alone.

LoveRoots6: Why, Sang? All I've done is protect you.

Sang: You've scared me! I didn't leave my house for five years because of you!

He doesn't respond for the longest time. He hasn't logged off yet, I see the little dots still going next to his user name. Finally a message appears.

LoveRoots6: I didn't know

LoveRoots6: My sweet Sang I'm so sorry. It was never my intention to hurt you like that.

Sang: So you'll leave me alone?

LoveRoots6: I can't do that, Sang.

Sang: Why?

LoveRoots6: You're not safe anymore. Going to that school, you're out in the open. Anyone can get to you.

Sang: You can get to me!

LoveRoots6: I won't hurt you!

What is hurt? Yes, he saved me from my bad foster parents. Yes, he rescued me from the shower. But he also brought back all the memories and possibly killed my parents. Despite the bad things my parents did, I cannot trust a murderer.

Sang: Why did I never see you again after my last foster home?

LoveRoots6: You were safe with your adoptive parents.

Sang: How would you know?

LoveRoots6: They're Academy.

Sang: How do you know about the Academy?

LoveRoots6: It's hard not to know.  It's all around us Sang; you can't escape their eyes.

Now its my turn to think and not reply. Volto knows about the Academy? Is he in the Academy? He definitely has skills that mirror things that are taught during training. He knew I'd be safe with my adoptive parents...did he arrange for them to adopt me?

LoveRoots6: If you'll give me the chance Sang...

He said that the other time too. What does he want from me?

LoveRoots6: Sang, please. I'll prove it to you. Let's meet up. If I can talk to you in person you will understand.

Sang has logged off.

Yeah, right. Meet up with Volto? In my worst nightmares. I shut down the computer and take a deep sigh while looking around my room. I don't really feel like packing so I decide to take a nap. I crawl onto my bed, but I can't even snooze because all I'm thinking about is how does Volto know so much about me?

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