Ch 8: Sang in a Tree

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Last night after eating dinner I went straight to bed. Now as the sun rises I think about how am I going to get close to all of these people and complete my assignment. I also wonder why there was so little information on everyone. My parents have told me about the Academy and how they can get information on anyone. I guess that's what my job is for. You can't know everything about a person just based on internet history or hearsay. The Academy certainly won't solely rely on that if they want to recruit nine new members-they need an inside man...or woman I should say.

"Doodlebug!!! Are you up? Mom made breakfast."

"Yes Dad, be there in a second."

As I get up to brush my teeth and change out of my pajamas I think about how I can work on my assignment today. Should I go see Kota under the guise of working on our schedules? Or should I try someone else on the list? Maybe I can try one of my other neighbors like Derrick or Nathan. I remember Nathan's file saying he likes outdoor activities. I decide to change into sweats and a tank top to do some exploring outside in the woods behind my house in hopes of running into him.

I head downstairs to eat breakfast and see that my mom has made my favorite chocolate chip pancakes.

"Babe, stop feeding Sang unhealthy meals. How many times have we discussed this?"

"Oh hush! She deserves a treat after making so much progress yesterday." She notices I've entered the kitchen, "Good morning Babykins how are you feeling after your day out in the real world yesterday? Any nightmares?"

"No Mom, I feel fine and I haven't had many nightmares since we moved here."

"That's good, I'm glad."

"Mom would it be okay if I explored the woods this morning after breakfast? They have a couple trails and it will help me with practicing being outside of the home for my assignment."

"Sure Sang, make sure to only follow the trail and if you get scared or feel anxiety you head straight home."

I nod at that and start to eat the pancakes my mom has placed in front of me.

"Hey Monkey can I come with? I could use the exercise."

"Dad, I'd rather try on my own if that's okay. Maybe we can go together tomorrow?"

"It's a deal. I'll hold you to that." I smile at my dad then finish off the last of my pancakes, put my plates in the dishwasher and put on my running shoes to head outside.

I make it to the trail and start looking at the beautiful sights I've missed since forcing myself to stay inside. Vibrant greens, deep browns, the many textures of the leaves and bark. Not just the sights, but also the smells. Fresh cut grass, flowers; even the trees smell good. I hear leaves crunching behind me and turn just as I see the most gorgeous sight. I recognize Nathan instantly, but his picture in the file does not do him justice--I should say does not do his muscles justice. He still hasn't noticed me as I gawk at every rippling muscle and every drop of sweat that cascades down every crevice as he runs. He is listening to his iPod and I'm trying to figure out how to introduce myself without being awkward, but he is fast approaching. My brain can't function trying to do two things at once! Looking or thinking? Sang not a hard choice! Do your assignment!

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