Ch 4: Porcelain Peek-A-Boo

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The timer finally rang for the cookies.   I pulled them out and set them on the rack to cool.  The clock on the oven read 7:45am.  Okay not bad, my parents took up most of my time, but I'm sure Kota's still home, it's Saturday.  No one gets up early on Saturday, well except my parents, but they're not exactly normal people.

My mom walks in holding a tin for the cookies.  "Sang, I just want you to know how proud I am of you for taking this step in your life.  I know after everything that has happened the world can be scary place, but we will always be here to protect you.  The Academy too, Sang.  I know you are not an official member yet, but we adopted you and you are our family which means you are their family also.  They will always help family."  

"I know Mom, but I already cost you guys so many favors with the adoption and the tutoring and even getting me this assignment cost you favors because they don't think I'm ready.  They didn't even want me to recruit these kids, they don't think I can do it."  

"Oh Babykins, they know you can do it, they are just worried that it's too soon.  You're jumping from no outside contact to a school with thousands of kids.  They worry, just like any other family worries.  You remember the main details of your assignment?"  

"Yes, Mom.  I've been over it a thousand times."

She stared at me with that look that all parents have mastered.  You know the one that says, continue please so I don't have to ask you.  So I did, "Get close to all persons of interest.  Gather any and all intel that will translate well to Academy purposes.  Once a person of interest has been approved, recruit said person to join the Academy."

Dad walked in just as I was finishing reciting my assignment, "That's going to be the hardest part, Monkey, recruiting them once they are approved.  Don't worry though that's far away and we'll train you on the best techniques according to personality and background."  

"Thanks Dad, I just hope to be able to get through getting close to all of them.  What if they don't want to talk to me?"  

My parents shared a look and started communicating with their eyes.  I've been in this house with them for five years and I still haven't picked up the silent communication.  It was never included in any of the training I received either.  Maybe it's for members only.  They were finally done when my Mom spoke up, "Sang, you will not have a problem with that; they'll talk to you."  All that silent communication and that's what they decide to tell me?  How reassuring-- they'll talk to me...uuuhhh who, what, why, when, how?!? Nope no advice at all.  Apparently they know something I don't and aren't willing to share.

The cookies seemed cool enough so I packed them up and called out to my parents that I was heading over.  Right as I close the door I notice my parents had crammed themselves into the small side window to watch me, excitement filling their eyes.  You'd think they were watching their child take their first steps.  I guess that was what I was doing.  I hadn't stepped outside our old house gates for five years and here I am about to take steps--not just down the driveway and off the curb, but all the way across the street to the neighbor's house.  I reach the curb still feeling my parent's gaze on my back.  I take that step and freeze.  This is as far as I got last night, I'm not sure I can make it the rest of the way.  

Panic begins to overtake me, I feel it creeping up my chest and urging me to turn around and go back inside.  Sang, keep moving!!  Don't stop!  Your parents are watching, don't let them down again, Sang!  My legs miraculously begin to move.  I'm half way across the street when I turn to look over at my parents and smile.  I see the happiness light up their faces and it feels great to see that expression on their faces.  

I finally make it to the door and spend a few seconds looking for the doorbell.  I can't find it so I decide to knock.  I lightly tap on the door, just like Kota did last night, and wait.  I don't hear anyone approach the door.  Maybe they are gone already, but I see a car in the open garage door and another in the driveway.  I turn to look at my parents and see my dad signal for me to knock again.  I tap lightly on the door with my knuckles and wait.  Nothing.  I try one last time and the door finally opens a crack.  I see an eyeball peek out, then all of a sudden the door flings open and a woman with a warm smile greets me.

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