Ch 15: Secret Admirer or Stalker?

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Sang POV

Last night was a nightmare, but was so worth it, because I am now riding with Kota and Nathan to school.

"Hey Kota, I'm sorry about last night.  You did really well compared to other people my dad has tested."

"So he has done that before?", Nathan asks, "With who your ex boyfriends?"

I blush that Nathan thinks I've had boyfriends.  Locking yourself up in your own home for 5 years will definitely eliminate the possibility of boyfriends.

"No, it's one of his jobs.  He does a lot of.... security training."  I tell him vaguely.

As we pull into the school's parking lot I see the cheerleaders and football players crowded around a car.  I can't wait for cheer tryouts so I can get closer to Jade and the football players.  I'm going to be on high alert for any skills or talents they may possess.  

I really want to finish my assignment quick so I can start working on my parents murder.  Which reminds me, I need to get a hold of their file from the police station to go through what they knew all those years ago.  I tried already, but it's been sealed and I can't access it with the basic hacking skills my parents have taught me in preparation for the Academy.  I wonder if I can ask Victor to help me?  His file did say his household emits high volume internet and suspicious activity.  Could he be good with computers?  Could he be a hacker?  I need to find out.

When we make it to the courtyard Victor is already there.  I quietly ask him if he could help me with a computer project after school and he readily agrees.  When the bell rings, Nathan takes the opportunity to walk me to homeroom.  I can tell he gets aggravated when Victor calls out behind me, "I'll see you at 7, Princess!"

He made it sound like a date or something!  I don't want Nathan to be upset, but it's his fault he never finalized plans for taking me out.  I can hang out with anyone I want!  I'm Sang and I've been locked up for 5 years I'm going to date however many guys I want!  People do that right?  It's like a normal thing?  I'm not sure as I've been so isolated, but I really do want to try normal activities and if hanging out or dating is normal no one can stop me, not even a jealous Nathan.

———————————-Later that day———————————-

After grabbing my lunch I leave the cafeteria and make my way to the courtyard.  I manage to avoid being proposed to by Mike, but I do run into Rocky.

I watch him approach me with a glint in his eyes that reminds me of what I probably look like when I see a double bacon cheeseburger.

"Hey!  I heard you're trying out for cheer.  Rocky's girl is always a cheerleader, call me later okay?"

He walks away without even waiting for me to respond or even acknowledge whether or not I will call him.  Uhh I don't have your number Rocky.  And you didn't even introduce yourself although I know your name already.  This guy is already not looking like a good fit for the Academy.  No subtlety at all.  But I have to give him a chance before I make my final recommendation for recruits.

The rest of the day flies by fast, even the nerve wracking lecture with Mr. Blackbourne.  I have my suspicions about him, but it's just not enough yet.  Hopefully, once I get my hands on those police records I'll have more clues.

As P.E. ends I'm excited to head to the football field for my first day of cheer boot camp leading up to tryouts on Saturday.  I head back to the locker room and it looks like everyone has cleared out already.  I grab my backpack from my locker and see something left at the back.  My heart skips a beat as I see a single red Chrysler Imperial rose with a note attached with my name scrawled on the outside.

My hand shakes as I reach in to pick it up.  I open up the note:

Good luck at tryouts.

I'm still shaking and holding the rose and note as I walk out of the locker room.  I'm so focused on how this person could have gotten into the school, let alone my gym locker without raising flags.  Did he wear the mask?  No, he couldn't have.  That would have looked obvious.  The masked teenager, the possible murderer of my parents and my current stalker was here!  At school. I could have walked right past him and not known.  This scares me enough to possibly go back into hiding like I had been doing these past 5 years.  I thought I could handle this, but the fear, the anxiety, the possibility of the unknown is weighing on me.  At any moment he could take me, even kill me!  Why hasn't he?  

"Sang!  What's that?"  I jump when I hear Nathan's voice behind me.

"Oh, it's nothing just a note and flower left in my locker."

Nathan narrows his eyes and frowns at the rose, "Victor is such a romantic."

"Victor?  What are you talking about?"

"Your secret admirer...."

"Oh no this isn''s ummm... you think it's from Victor?"

"Sang he's been crushing on you all week and his mother has those flowers in her garden."

Victor?  It had never occurred to me that other people can have access to these types of roses.  I feel so silly jumping to the conclusion I did.  I smile at the thought of Victor sneaking into the girl's locker room to give me an anonymous 'good luck'.  It's sweet and I'll be able to sleep better tonight knowing it was from him.

Nathan continues to walk with me towards the football field where all the people trying out for cheer are congregating.  Before he leaves though, he puts his around around my waist and leans in to whisper, "I still get to go on a date with you right?"

I smile up at him, "Yes, but to warn you I've never been on a date before."

"Okay how about this—we do a few group-hangs first then I take you to the back to school dance for our first date.  That way our first date will be simple, with people we know and if we can't think of any conversation we can just dance."

Yay!!!  I just got asked to the dance at the end of next week!!!  I can check off another thing I'm going to do that's 'normal', but I am freaking out about what to expect with this dance since I've never been to one.  At this moment though I don't care about worrying, I'll figure it out later.  I tell Nathan, "I like that plan."  He gives me a hug and wishes me good luck before heading off.


This was a short one! The next one is also short I will hopefully have it ready to post tomorrow :)

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