Ch 71: Friends vs. Family

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We've arrived back at home and I'm trying to process everything that has gone on.  Kidnapped by Volto, Marie is alive, my biological father killed thousands of people, my new dads lied to me and my friends cared enough to save me.

It's a lot to process and a little hard to do with my mom and all seven of my friends crowded in the living room together.  We're all silent while Lily goes and gets water for everyone.  I'm tired and I feel like falling asleep in Silas' lap, but the screeching tires and pounding footsteps coming up our driveway prevent that.

"Sang!  Did he hurt you?"  Henry says as he bursts through the front door followed by my other fathers along with Owen and Sean.

Lily steps into the room with a pitcher and glasses for the boys.  "Henry! You do not get to scream like that after everything that's happened."

"Lily you don't understand.  I saw what he did, we reviewed the cameras."  Henry explains and my mind is going even more wild at what he could be talking about.

Lily and Henry have a stare down for a few minutes.  I think they are having that silent communication.  Finally Lily sets down the items she's holding and motions for me and my dads to follow her into the family office.

"Are you going to be okay Aggele?"  Silas asks me sensing my frustration.  I really don't want to deal with Henry right now, but I'm curious as to what he's talking about with cameras.  I nod my head and get up and walk into the office just as Lily closes it behind me.

"Explain Henry and make it fast.  Sang needs to rest."  Lily demands.

"Cody is being held at the police station. I'm going to go down there to conduct an interrogation with him.  I'm going to get every last detail about what has gone on the past years."

"Is he going to be okay? You're not going to hurt him right?"  I ask him.

He sighs and looks towards the ground, "Sang, what he did was wrong."

"He didn't mean too, he was just misguided. A lot of bad things happened to his family."

"I was afraid of this," He shakes his head in frustration, "Sang I saw the tapes."


Liam steps forward, "He had cameras all over that house, we saw what he did to you."

"He didn't hurt me."  I try to reassure them.

"After you left we searched the entire house.  Owen found a room with cameras.  He had them all over the place.  He had surveillance in all the rooms, outside, the garage.  He didn't have them in the bathrooms though."  My face is beet red at what I just realized.  They must have seen me kiss Volto.

Henry turns towards me, "Sang, did he do anything else?  Did he hurt you?  You need to tell us, Owen and I are heading down to the station.  Andy has him in a holding cell until we can get down there to interrogate him.  If he touched you more you need to tell us."

"More?"  Lily says on a gasp.  "Sang, he touched you?"

"No Mom!  He didn't do anything."  I tell her.

Henry's not having it though, "Sang, I saw him kiss you!  William you saw it."  Henry says nudging William's arm.

"I saw it.  Sang, you need to tell us.  We'll take care of him.  Make sure he pays."  William explains.

"Don't hurt him!  He didn't do anything."  I scream.

John shakes his head back and forth and looks over at Henry, "She has Stockholm syndrome."

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