Ch 25: There's Fire

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Friday rolls around and my grounding is over! I can't wait for the dance tomorrow. My mom already agreed to help me get ready. I think she is as giddy as I am. In history class I daydream about being there with Nathan, but for some reason all the other boys jump into my daydream. I'm dancing with Luke, Nathan and Gabriel; Kota and Victor talk to me all night long and Silas and North scare away any other guy who tries to approach me. I'm woken out of my reverie when Mr. Morris calls me up to his desk.

I seriously don't know why this guy is paid to be a teacher, all he has us do is read from the book and submit essays. Not a bit of actual teaching, but I resist the urge to roll my eyes as I walk up to his desk.

"Sang I need you to run this copy order to the front desk, please."

"Sure, okay." He hands me a manila envelope with a cover sheet indicating how many copies needed and by what day. I leave my backpack since there is still fifteen minutes left of class and this will only take me five.

Walking down the hallways to the front office I continue my day dreaming, which was a bad idea. It left me unaware of the person following me and ill prepared to defend myself when he grabbed me around my stomach and tried to haul me away.

"Sing Song Sang!!! Did you miss me?"

Greg smells different than before, something lingers over the stale menthol scent. That's probably why I didn't notice him near me. I drop the envelope and elbow Greg in the side of his stomach with all my force, he barely budges so I try again and repeatedly do it until he flinches. He removes his arms from around my waist only to wrap them around me again, but this time around my upper arms and chest; preventing me from elbowing him more. What he doesn't know is that's not the only trick up my sleeve.

"Thought you could get your rich boyfriend to fire my mom? You're gonna burn for this." He says as he tries to kiss my neck. GROSS!! I'm struggling as he drags me to the open music room door. Before he slobbers all over me and throws me into the room I bring my arms up and over my head, reaching back for his ears, bend at the waist and pull him over my shoulder. He goes flying and lands on his back on the hard linoleum floor.

He got the wind knocked out of him and he starts coughing and gasping for breath. He's not too worried though because he had enough wits, or should I say stupidity, about him to reach into his pocket, pull out a lighter, switch it on and throw it into the music room.


That was what I smelled before. The music room must have been covered in it because the entire room goes up in flames. Luckily there was no class in session. Greg is still on the floor and I give him a good kick in the groin before rushing to pull the fire alarm.

As I turn around to run for safety, the slimy mass of Greg has recovered and is headed straight for me; one arm cocked back ready to punch me in the face. His fist never makes it though. A quick hand grabs his wrist and pulls him back by the collar.

Mr. Blackbourne is restraining Greg and Dr. Green is at my side, "Are you alright Miss Sang?"

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