Ch 44: Communication Intercepted

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"There has been a new development in the ongoing South Carolina drug ring investigation. The JH-14 drug that circulated high schools last year is now rumored to have been made by the same cartel that developed cancer fighting drugs which killed thousands. Many have been arrested in connection with JH-14, but the big players have yet to be identified in the cancer drug ring. The investigation has been ongoing for the past eight years. We will keep you updated as..."

I flip the station from the boring news to a more fun show. I just have it on in the background while I unwind from the long camping trip this past weekend. My main focus though is on my computer. Since Sophomores had the camping trip all weekend we get today, Monday, off and I've been going crazy waiting for the listening device to give me something to work with.

I'm lying on my bed just waiting for any type of noise to transmit through the device. I have the program already loaded to my computer and set to the station listed on the box. I don't have to wait around and listen all day though because the program is designed to record everything and even send me a notification to my phone when something is recorded while I'm not already logged in.  Maybe Mr. Blackbourne is not around the item Luke put the listening device on?  That's probably why I don't hear something.


I jump at the noise anxious to hear anything coming from my computer, but it's just a notification that someone wants to chat. I walk over to my computer and log out of the listening device program and open up the chat box.

LoveRoots6: I'm very disappointed with you, Sang.

Sang: Story of my life! Leave me alone.

LoveRoots6: I already told you, I'm not leaving you alone. Why didn't you show up?

Sang: What are you talking about?

LoveRoots6: My Sweet Sang, don't play games with me.

Sang: I'm not, I seriously don't know what you're talking about.

LoveRoots6: The note I left you? To meet me by the lake at midnight so we could have our chat.

Volto was at the camping trip?? It has to be Mr. Blackbourne. Or Jay. I have a few suspicions about him ever since that story he told at the campfire. And what note is he talking about?

LoveRoots6: You did say you wanted to hear what I have to say. Did you change your mind?

Sang: I never got your note, I'm sorry. When did you leave it? and where?

LoveRoots6: Figure it out Sang. I'm not here to play games.

Sang: I'm not playing games!! You've been the one playing games leaving me notes and roses!!

LoveRoots6 has logged off.

I stare at my computer screen wondering about the 'what ifs'. What if I had gotten that note, would I have met up with him?  What if I had met up with him that night, would he have revealed himself? Would I know who Volto is by now?  I can't predict the future so there's no use dwelling on the 'what ifs'.  I just need to focus on the information I have now.

The only place to leave me a note during the trip would have been in my paper mailbox and the only notes I got were from my friends...except...NORTH!! I pick up my cell phone and scroll through my contacts to call North. He picks up on the first ring.

"Hi, Sang Baby, how's your day been so far?"

"Umm, fine, North. Yours?"  I ask to be polite.

"Not as good as it could be if you were here. I was thinking we should go out soon. I could take you to the beach, we can..." I can't wait around for what North is rambling about. All that's on my mind is Volto so I interrupt him.

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