Ch 23: Sparks Ignite

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I wake up just as the sun is coming up.  I turn over and Nathan is already awake putting his shoes on.

"I'm sorry, Sang.  I didn't mean to wake you."

"No I was already waking"

"Let me show you our costumes before I go.  Guess what they are!"

He holds up two outfits.  The first is black pants, gray shirt with a long red leather jacket.  The accessories include two futuristic looking guns.  My costume is a pair of small leather pants, a small leather top that looks more like a vest because the front is cut so deep and two leather wrapped cuffs that are long enough to go half way up my arm.  My accessory is a futuristic looking sword and I know exactly which duo we are going as for the dance.

"Peter and Gamora from Guardians of the Galaxy!"

"Yes!  Do you like it?  We can do something else if you don't like it."  He tells me.

"I love it!  I don't have to paint myself green right?"

"Nah, everyone will still know who you are."

I hear footsteps coming up the stairs and I signal to Nathan.  He understands and starts heading out the window.  In the blink of an eye he's out and down on the ground running across the lawns to his house.  I didn't even have time to be scared for him!  He moved so swift and fast he was like a secret ninja.

I turn around when I hear the knock at my door, "Sang, breakfast is ready.  Hurry you're going to be late for school."

—————————After School——————————-

While I'm changing out of my PE uniform I text Kota telling him I don't need a ride because I have tutoring.  He offers to wait for me, but I tell him my mom is already picking me up.

As I walk through the hallway to the classroom for my tutoring with Mr. Blackbourne I take tiny steps trying to prolong the encounter as long as possible.

A clicking sound from the other side of the hallway captures my attention and I turn to look behind me.  No one is there.  I continue walking and the clicking sounds once more.

I stop and turn to find nothing yet again.  Before I turn back around to continue walking to the classroom where we are having the tutoring session I smell it.  Stale menthol.  I face forward and there he is with that stupid grin and stupid goatee.

The clicking sound starts up again and I look down to see it's coming from Greg's hand.  He is opening and closing a lighter.

"Heard your name was Sing."

"You heard wrong, excuse me I need to pass."  I try to step around him, but he just blocks me.

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