Ch 38: Sang's Balloon

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We just had an early dinner and Miss Johnson has explained the next game we are going to play.

"Okie dokie, thank you Miss Johnson." Dr. Green says. "Last game and then we are splitting up boys and girls to do some bonding exercises! Everyone grab a string and a balloon; tie it to your ankle."

He opens a netted bag filled with balloons already blown up. I attach the string to the balloon then tie the other end around my ankle. The object of this game is to protect your balloon while stomping on others to get them to pop. Your balloon pops, you're out. Last person with a balloon wins and according to a less than enthusiastic Mr. Blackbourne the winner gets a portable heater to use for one night in their tent. Awesome!!

Ms. French starts the game by of course giving her whistle a blow. It's chaos, everyone is running around and stomping like wild. I end up in a corner, but I see Karen approaching from the left giving me a wicked grin. Jay pops her balloon before she makes it over to me, but now Rocky is on my right. He almost gets my balloon, but I'm able to sidestep him. I run around him in circles while he gets confused enough for me to pop his balloon.

"Aww Rocky's girl can't do that!" He says as he walks off to the side and sits down.

Before I know it half the students are out and I haven't gotten anyone else out yet. When I move to my left Nathan and Kota are in my way. To the right Silas and North. Victor and Gabriel are behind me. I don't want to get my friends out so I try to push through them to get to other people, but North holds me back.

"Stay back, Sang Baby."

"I want to get people out, let me through" I push once again and he blocks my way. I step back and that's when I realize what they are doing. They've surrounded me, keeping anyone from stomping on my balloon!! I didn't ask them to do this, why are they doing this??!?!

"North, you don't have to do this."

"We want you to win, Aggele." Silas says. Just then I hear a loud pop and a tug on my ankle. I look down and see my balloon has turned into pieces of rubber on the grass. I look up and see a grinning Luke.

"Fucking shit Luke!! You weren't supposed to get Sang out!" Gabriel says as he gives Luke a chop on the head.

"What? No one told me! I thought we were playing." He shrugs.

Me. I'm mad. Not because Luke got me out, but because I didn't even get a chance to play. Everyone's balloons pop fast after that. North, mad at his brother for getting me out pops his balloon, while Kota, Nathan and Victor turn on each other in friendly competition. Kota survives leaving him, North, Jay and Gabriel. North and Jay are squaring off while Gabriel sneaks up behind North and gets his balloon.

At Gabriel's whoop of triumph Kota bursts his bubble--or should I say balloon. Jay used this opportunity to get Kota's balloon winning the game.

It happened fast and I'm still fuming on the sidelines over what they did. My arms are crossed and I'm glaring at the ground convinced I can burn a hole in it.

"Sang Baby, I'm sorry about Luke." North says when he approaches me.

"That's what you're sorry for?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Surrounding me like that! Was that your idea?"

"Well yeah, I told all the guys we should protect you so no one could get your balloon."

I huff and look away, trying to calm my nerves enough to explain to North why I'm mad because he's not getting it. "North I wanted to get people out."

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