Ch 66: Running Out of Time

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North POV

"Hey, who the fuck is that?"  Gabe says and we all turn to look towards the road to watch the grey BMW drive up.

All of us just stand there in shock and silence as Mr. Blackbourne gets out and smooths down his suit jacket and tie.  Fucking bastard!

"What did you do with her??!?!"  I yell as I stomp towards him.  I'm face to face with him and he doesn't give me an answer.  My best friend Silas has come up next to me to give me support--or intimidate Mr. Blackbourne.  Either way I'll take it.

"What did you do with Sang?"  I ask him again through gritted teeth.  I'm trying to control my temper so I can get the information.  This is his one chance.  If he doesn't comply now, we'll have to do it the hard way.

He slides his hand over his tie and I want to fucking break it off--which one you ask?  The hand or the tie?  It's a toss up.  Finally he speaks up.  "You mean to tell me you haven't found her?"

That's it!  His fucking time is up, "Si, hold him down!"  In an instant we both rush the last step towards Mr. Blackbourne.  I throw a punch to his jaw while Silas catches him around his arms.  Silas pulls his arms back and holds him in place, while I give him another punch.  This time to the gut.  He didn't even flinch and he's not even struggling.  Is this guy a fucking robot?  It just pisses me off more so I let him have everything I've got.  

I punch over and over until I feel someone grab me from behind.  I rear back and turn to find Kota pulling me, telling me to stop punching him.  Look at this kid--he thinks he can get me to stop?  How fucking cute.  I shove Kota to get him away so I can continue with fuck face, but Kota maintains his balance.  I decide a punch to the jaw will get this fly to shoo.  That doesn't work either.   He side steps it and I stumble forward from the momentum.  He brings down and elbow to my back and it knocks the wind out of me.  I stumble on my knees to the ground while Kota pins me down.  I got like thirty pounds on this kid and I can't get up!!  "Nathan keep him here while I talk to Blackbourne."  I hear him yell.  "Everyone else try and calm down!"

While on the ground I look around at the chaos that ensued while I was trying to beat the truth out of Blackbourne.  Silas may look calm, but the twitching pulse in his neck says otherwise.  I can see his grip around Blackbourne's arms getting tighter with each passing minute.  Gabriel won't stop cursing and pacing back and forth.  I swear he's going to have a fucking panic attack.  Victor is by the car smashing his useless laptop.

Out of the corner of my eye I see Kota walk up to Mr. Blackbourne, I turn my head towards them and listen to Kota's questioning.

"We know you've been following Sang.  Tell us where she is."

"Although your leadership skills are quite charming Mr. Lee they are no match for me."  He replies while maneuvering out of Silas' grip knocking the gentle giant back a few steps.  He fixes his suit jacket and tie, "Give me a chance to call my contact.  You've found Sang.  She's here."

"She's not here!!!" I yell from the ground still be held by Nathan.  Mr. Blackbourne just ignores me and takes out his cell phone to make a call.

Kota gives Nathan the signal to let me up.  Since when is he boss?

We wait in silence as Mr. Blackbourne calls his 'contact'.  We wait and wait and he doesn't start talking into the phone at any point.  It's making me nervous.  He turns back towards us and says, "It's going straight to voicemail."

I charge him, "Are you fucking with us!!?!?!"  I move to grab him around his throat, but he easily gets away, fighting back this time.

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