Ch 30: Face Off

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The next day at school I'm anxious and at the same time dreading confronting Mr. Blackbourne.  This tutoring because of a failed quiz is phony baloney!  He concocted the entire thing for whatever reason and I intend to find out today.  He had the nerve to bring up the test yesterday like he did nothing wrong—like I wouldn't say anything!  Well, I didn't because that would put me at the scene of the crime and he knew that.  Maybe he was just baiting me so I would bring it up and trap myself.

Well, he can't do anything now when I tell him I'm not going to tutoring anymore.  Luckily I have all day to think about what to say to him.  It's Dr. Green's day to lecture our class so I won't be seeing Mr. Blackbourne until after school.  Or maybe I shouldn't even say anything, maybe I should just not show up.  No, then he'll call my parents.  I have to confront him and let him know that I know.

"Hello, Aggele."

I jump because I was deep in thought and didn't even see Silas sit down behind me. "Hi, Silas.  Sorry, I was thinking."

"About our date tonight?  I can pick you up at 7."

"Perfect, where are we going?"

"I was thinking we can go to Boomers.  How does that sound?"

"I've never been there what is it?"

"They have go karts, batting cages, arcade games.  Lots of activities and a restaurant we can have dinner at."

"That sounds like fun!  I can't wait"

"Wear something comfortable and close toed shoes.  Don't want you hurting yourself.  Oh and by the way I brought my jersey for you."

He pulls his jersey out of his backpack and hands it to me.  I hold it up and it's huge!!  I could fit four of me inside here.  We both crack up at the sight and I gently fold it and put it in my backpack.  I let him know I'll be cheering for him at the game in a couple days.  Class begins and I feel Silas move his feet under my chair and around mine.  It feels like he is hugging me with his feet and I smile at the thought.  I've heard of this before.  When a boy likes you they play this foot game, what's it called??  Footsies I think.  

Maybe I will finally get my first kiss at our date tonight.  I was so close with Gabriel, but Mr. Blackbourne had to go and interrupt!  UGGHH!!  Him again!  Why does he always creep up into my thoughts?!?!  He's so annoying with his suit and tie.  I just want to rip it off and ruffle his hair so he doesn't look so perfect!  Let's see how perfect he looks when I tell him I'm not doing tutoring anymore.  Whatever he's planning, I'm not going to just play along anymore.  Although if I'm not around him will I ever figure out what he's up to?  Will I ever find out if he's Volto?  Maybe I should pretend like nothing is wrong so I can figure out what he's up to.  No, it's better I confront him so he knows I'm not a pushover.  


The bell for P.E. to be over rings and I hurry to the locker room to change.  Once I finish I start walking towards the classroom where I have tutoring and I notice Mr. Blackbourne is waiting for me outside the door. He must have thought I would try and run off.

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