Ch 48: Secrets

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"Attention all students this weekend is Homecoming time! Football game and dance tickets are on sale now. Nominations for Homecoming king are Nathan, Luke, Rocky and Jay. For Queen we have Jade, Tara, Sara and Sang. Please drop your votes in the ballot box located in the ASB room by Friday."

The morning announcements end and everyone in my homeroom is buzzing about the homecoming nominations, even myself. I got nominated and it's exciting to be part of something so normal.

North is sitting behind me as usual and Luke sits in front.

"Ahh, baby brother didn't get nominated." Luke teases.

"Shut up Lucian, you know I don't want to participate in that stuff. Congrats Sang Baby." He tells me as he brushes his palm down my arm.

I hear a loud snort come from the other side of the room, "She must have been nominated as a joke." Tara says loud enough for everyone in class to hear.

"Shut up, Tara." North barks. "You're lucky your fugly face got nominated."

"Enough! Quiet down" Our teachers says. We obey and Luke gets up and asks to go to the bathroom. He winks at me just as he exits the classroom. I know that wink anywhere! It's the wink that says 'I'm up to no good'.

I try not to worry about it because North starts talking to me.

"Hey, I was wondering when we are going to have our second date."

Is North asking me out? Wait a minute... "Second?" I question him.

"Yes, second. We had our first during the night hike."

"You consider arguing and fighting on the ground a date?"

He chuckles, "Yeah, a pretty good one to me, especially looking up at the stars with you towards the end. And I promise on our second date no one is going to stop me from kissing you."

I blush at his promise and I'm getting anxious for my first kiss. "Okay, when should we go?"

"Not this week. After the game and dance and all that crap. I know you're going to the dance with Luke, so could we maybe keep this between us for now." He asks hesitantly.

After my misunderstanding about Luke asking me to the back to school dance, I promised him I would go to Homecoming with him. Is North asking me to keep our date a secret from his brother? Why would he want that?

"You want me to not tell him about our date?"

He takes a deep breath, "Please. I know it's a lot to ask, but I think he likes you and I haven't really told him yet that we are together."


So many thoughts are running through my mind. What is North saying?? Together as in Boyfriend/Girlfriend? We haven't even been on one date! Well according to him we have, but if fighting each other makes us 'together' what will our next date symbolize? Marriage!?!

"Umm, well I don't know if I can keep secrets if he asks me." I tell North.

"Okay, if he asks you, tell the truth but if not don't offer up the information until I break it to him."

I nod my head, but my stomach is turning. It still feels like a secret, still feels like a lie and I don't feel comfortable keeping even more from my friends.

I already keep my past a secret. Everything about Volto I keep to myself as well. I don't think I can hold anymore secrets, one day they are just going to burst free!

Luke returns from the 'bathroom' holding a Sharpie and our conversation ends. A few minutes later the bell rings and I find out exactly what Luke was up to during his potty break.

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