Ch 63: Blindsided

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Sang's POV

I can't see, there's a black bag over my face and my hands are tied behind my back. I was tossed into the back seat of the SUV and I can't tell which way is up. Was I wrong? Is Mr. Blackbourne not Volto? He can't be, he can't be at two places at once. Then why was he at my house?

I hear Volto whistling, but he stops once he hears me rustling around back here. Next I hear him fiddle with the radio and soon a classical music station turns on. A beautiful violin piece filters through the car.  I recognize it, but I can't put my finger on the name.

I fumble around some more in the backseat and I'm surprised Volto doesn't tell me to stop. I notice the rope he used to tie my hands isn't very tight either. I easily free one hand and then the other. I don't move though, I can't escape now. I can tell the car is moving way too fast, I'm not a stunt woman. Tuck and roll out of a moving vehicle? No way, Sang!

I don't know how much time has passed, but we start slowing down and eventually come to a complete stop. This is my opportunity to blindside Volto.

I hear Volto get out and close his door. I use this time to take off the bag over my head and prepare myself. Volto with his black pants, black gloves and black jacket, the hood draped over his face, starts to open the door. The second there is enough room I kick out both feet and hit Volto right in the gut. He stumbles back to the dusty ground with a deep 'oomph!'. I see his hood is starting to fall off and I notice he's not wearing the white mask.  He probably couldn't wear it while driving.  I ignore it and keep running before I get a chance to see his face.

My bare feet are sore from the running I did earlier, but I don't let it deter me. We are at some abandoned warehouse and I figure it's best to go inside and try to loose him that way.

"Sang!" I hear from behind me and I faintly recognize the voice. Where is Volto's voice machine?

I keep running, weaving in and out of hallways, ducking under pipes. I make it to a set of cold metal stairs and race down them.

"Sang! Stop!" I hear from above me. As I make it to the last step I look up and see the hooded figure taking the steps two at a time. He's gaining on you Sang!

I run and I run, but it's not enough. Volto's long legs catch up to me. I feel him grab me from behind in a strong bear hug. I struggle to break free. The hold doesn't give me much freedom to fight back though.

Volto pins me to the floor as he turns me in his arms to face him. This free's my arms and I start punching at him.

"Ah! Sang, stop!" That's when I smell the familiar scent. Many of the people I've encountered on a daily basis have a scent and my super smeller has cataloged them all. Ginger and citrus, although something else lingers in the background. Something sweet, but sharp.

I stop punching and reach towards the figures hood to reveal the person I now know to be Volto.

To think, I had the wrong teacher this entire time. I see his sandy blonde curls and his green eyes once the hood is finally off.

I whisper, "Dr. Green."

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