Ch 77: Silver Lining

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It's the day of my second sleepover! I'm so excited to have all my friends over and I'm a little nervous to have Owen and Sean here. I keep forgetting they are only a couple years older than us, that they're still teenagers too. I grab the bowl of guacamole from the kitchen counter and head out to the backyard where the grown ups have already arrived for their get together.

"Guacamole!!" I announce as I set it on the table with the rest of the food.

Phil, Andy and my dads all race over. Surprisingly Dr. Roberts is the first to make it to the table...I'm pretty sure he threw an elbow out at Andy though.

"Yes! I got here first." He yells rubbing it in their faces he picks up the spoon and scoops out a helping extra slow just to irritate them. Bringing the scoop halfway to his plate he stops. "Wait." He says.

"Ahh, come on Phil hurry up. I'm hungry." Andy says anxiously.

"No, I can can't eat this yet, who made it?" Dr. Roberts asks.

"I made it." I tell him.

He looks a little relieved. "Oh good, I was worried Henry had made it." He says as everyone starts laughing.

"Hey! I don't screw up all food!!" Henry shouts.

The door bell rings and I race through the house to answer it.

"Little Bird! How are you?" Uncle asks when I open the door.

"Great Uncle, the grown ups are in the back." I tell him as I peek around the corner and see Luke, North and Silas standing there.

"Getting rid of me already?" He chuckles. "Okay, you kids behave I'll be out back. I brought dessert too." He says holding up a gigantic cake. How did I not see that before?

Uncle steps into the house and heads towards the backyard while my friends come in and greet me. Nathan and Kota are already making their way over and Victor just pulled up and it looks like he picked up Gabriel.

"Hey Sang!" Gabriel says as he gets out of the car.

"Hey, Victor brought you." I state.

"Yeah, he offered yesterday. Pam needed the car today so it worked out perfect. I would have still made it even if he hadn't offered."

I usher all my friends into the living room so we can hang out when I hear a throat clearing behind me. "Oh, dads...what are you doing here?"

"Aren't you going to formally introduce us?" William asks.

I'm frozen in shock looking from my dads to my friends. I already told my friends about my non-traditional family, but I still feel kind of weird right now. Not weird that they know I have four dads, but a sort of nervous feeling about my friends 'formally' meeting my parents. I guess all kids go through that right?

"Umm, this is Kota, Victor, Silas, Nathan, Gabriel, Luke, and North." I say quickly pointing to each boy. I then turn to my friends and rapidly fire off my dads names. "Henry, Liam, William and John."

"Nice to meet you boys." John says.

"We hope to get to know all of you better over time." William adds.

"Oy! So you're really all married to Mrs. Anderson?"

"Well we are not legally married, but to us she is our wife." Henry answers.

"That's fucking insane!!" Gabriel shouts.

I give him a look telling him to cut out the cussing. And he just shrugs at me, "Sang, it's awesome. It deserved a swear word." I simply roll my eyes. I want them to make a good impression on my parents and I don't know how they would feel about my friends swearing.

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