Ch 9: A Birthday to Remember

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I wake up to the sound of my neighbor's lawn mower and the sun slipping through the blinds next to my window. Today is my eighth birthday and even though my family doesn't throw big parties I am still looking forward to today. As I turn over to check my alarm clock I notice Marie is not in her bed. She rarely gets up early, so something has enticed her to wake up. I roll out of bed and head over to our shared closet and notice the empty space on my bookshelf where my stereo sits. I wonder if Marie broke it and she got up early today to get it fixed with Dad or something. Pulling open the closet door I see that some clothes are missing. Where is all of Marie's clothing? Something in the pit of my stomach drops and I run out of my room and down the stairs calling for my parents. I head over to their bedroom and knock on the door.

"Mom? Dad? Are you guys up?"

When I don't hear anything I slowly open the door and take a glance inside. There's nothing. My parents are not in bed and I find it strange that all the covers and pillows are gone too. Is it laundry day or something?

I head back out to the kitchen and to my relief find a note on the counter along with a single red rose.

Sang- We will be back for you soon. Happy Birthday

I fold the note back up and smile at the rose my parents left for me. I wonder where they went this early? They must be getting the small cake we always have during dinner to celebrate birthdays in the family. The doorbell rings and I walk over and answer it. To my surprise it's the police.

"Hello, I'm Detective Julia Reynolds. Are you Sang Sorenson?"

"Yes, is something wrong?"

"You need to come with us. Please pack a bag with all your essentials-clothing, underwear, toothbrush..."

"What's going on? I think I should wait for my parents to get here."

"Sang, it will all be explained at the station."

I nod and make my way towards the stairs to pack up a bag. I turn my head briefly to see half a dozen cops file into my home and start meandering around the place. I notice they are opening drawers, looking behind shelves, going into my parents room. I am now in panic mode. I don't know what the cops could be looking for and where are my parents??

When I get to my room I notice I'm still holding the rose and note my parents left me. I grab a random book off my shelf and press the flower and note into it, then replace the book back in it's rightful spot. In a hurry to get to the station and possibly find out what is going on I hastily stuff my entire underwear drawer into my duffel bag. Next in goes a few changes of clothing, my tennis shoes and some hairclips. I head to the bathroom and also pack my toothbrush, toothpaste and start to head back downstairs.

At the top of the stairs, one foot lifted about to hit the second step I freeze. Something in my gut tells me I am never coming back here again. I race back to my room and grab the book with the flower and note inside.

When I reach the front door again the detective is waiting for me. She ushers me to her car and we make the painfully long and silent drive to the station.

"Please it down Sang. Would you like some water?"

"No, thank you. I would like to know where my parents are."

"This isn't easy to say Sang, but there's been an accident."

My hearts stops with the words coming out of the detective's mouth. Everything in the room goes silent except the sound of her voice.

"Based on the initial investigation your father fell asleep at the wheel and crashed into the side rail overlooking the cliff then rolled over into the ocean. There are no survivors."

Every word uttered by the detective brought more tears to my eyes. My vision goes blurry and as it clears a few more police officers have entered the room making it feel like a tiny, cramped prison cell. Their faces are blurry and the lamp swinging from the ceiling starts to dim as if the bulb is about to burn out. Shadows are cast across each face and they all begin talking at once, bombarding me with questions I can't answer.

"Where were they going so early?" "Did you notice any strange behavior?" "Were there any threats against your family?" "Did your father mention any strange emails he had received recently?" "Why were they carrying so much stuff?" "Was your family planning a move?"

My head was spinning at all the questions and what they implied I didn't understand. The room felt like it was full of two dozen people now with all the questions being hurled at me. I couldn't answer any of them and the shadowed faces staring back at me kept demanding answers.

"Sang!" "Answer the questions!" "Are there people after your family?" "Sang!" "Where were your parents going so early?" "Sang!" The figures approached closer, "Sang!". One figure was Detective Reynolds, she grabbed my shoulders and started shaking me, "Sang! Who killed your parents? I know you know, just tell us and we'll let you go."


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