Ch 18: Meeko

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It's Monday and I'm bugging Kota about driving faster so I can go check the cheer results.  After what seems like a hour, but was only ten minutes, Kota parks his car and Nathan opens my door to let me out.  I start racing towards the school and hear Kota yell, "Sang!  Wait up!"

I make it to the bulletin board and the list hasn't been posted yet.  I see girls from try-outs waiting off to the side and I see Karen waiting too.  I go to stand by her just as Kota and Nathan walk up next to me.

Nathan smiles at Karen, "Didn't think you'd try out for cheer, Karen."

"Why does everyone keep saying that?  It's really not that hard to talk and dance at the same time.  I know it might be difficult for your girlfriend Tara, but it's really a simple concept."

"Hey it was one time!!  Jeez, I will never live that down.  I won't tease anymore okay?", he says with a small laugh.

Jade bursts through the double doors of the front entrance with Tara and Sara flanking either side of her.  Her red stiletto nails grasp the list and she pins it to the board with a push pin.  All the girls waiting rush to the list, crowding it and I can't get through or see over their heads.

Kota and Nathan are tall enough to see and I glance over at them to see them frowning.  Karen is also tall enough and I hear her scoff, "Whatever!  I still get to put an activity down on my application."  She walks away and so do many of the other girls, finally giving me a chance to see.

As I'm reading down the list I see names of the majority of the girls.  I start to realize that it looks like everyone made the team who survived bootcamp, but I still haven't come across my name or Karen's.  I get to the end of the list and nothing.  My eyes search further down the paper and see another heading:

Meeko— Ashley Waters Mascot

Karen & Sang

Even though I tried out for cheerleading for my assignment I still feel a little sad I didn't make the team.  Being on a cheer team is something normal and I desperately want to be normal again.  I thought this could be something that would also help me grow and be more social, but Jade ripped that away from me.  Now I'm going to be stuck inside a stinky costume.  I won't even be able to talk to any of the potential recruits.  Now how do I get close to these people?  I've already crossed Jade off my list. Silas and North are potential recruits. Jay and Rocky? I have no clue. Jay hardly ever talks and Rocky does nothing but scope out girls. I don't think that is a skill the Academy is looking for, but I'll give him a chance to show me something.

I turn around and am immediately surrounded by Kota, Victor and Nathan.  When did Victor get here?  They bad mouth Jade and it makes me feel a little better about the situation.  They encourage me to decline being mascot, but I tell them I'll be fine doing it.  

————————6th Period—————————-

I head into my Health Sciences/Medicine class.  Today is lecture day, which means I get to listen to Mr. Blackbourne speak and think about how he might might be Volto the entire time.

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