Ch 43: Kumbaya

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We both jump back at the sound of Mr. Blackbourne's voice.  "Miss Anderson, Mr Taylor? You're not on the correct trail."

North gives a grunt of frustration and helps me up off the floor then picks up his jacket. We make our way out of the trees and back to the trail. Nothing more is said, we walk in thick silence as Mr. Blackbourne follows us.

Is he following us to make sure we don't veer off course again or did everyone pass us and he's the last to go?

We finally make it to the end of the trail and I get my answer. Everyone is there waiting. Now that the night hike is over it's time for our final camp fire to cap off the awesome trip. During the time it takes to get back to the camp site North won't let go of my hand and when we get to one of the campfires to sit down he pulls me into his lap.

I'm a little unsure, because I've never sat in a boy's lap and all my other friends are here sitting around us. The looks I'm getting from Victor, Nathan and Gabriel aren't very reassuring either.

Multiple campfires are going on to accommodate the 50 students and while the chaperones pass out supplies for s'mores to the other groups we wait our turn.

"Oy!! What else are we supposed to do at campfires? Sing Kumbaya and braid each others hair?" Gabriel questions.

I giggle and it makes me squirm a little in North's lap. His grip on my hips tightens and he leans forward to whisper in my ear, "Sang Baby hold still."

"Sorry," I whisper to North, I turn towards Gabriel and ask him, "Can we make a braid train?"

"Fuck yes! You braid Luke's hair, I'll do yours. North give her here." He demands as he holds out his arms for me.

"She stays here. Braid someone else's hair," He grumbles in response while tightening his hold around my waist.

"Goddamn mother--. North you can't hog her all night!" Gabriel looks towards me a plea in his eyes, "Sang, tell him you want to sit with me." He whines.

I don't know what to do. I don't want to upset North. We just made up and I can tell he's feeling some sort of connection with me right now. Whether sitting with me is just comforting to him or he thinks it will help me get over what I was crying about earlier I'm not sure, but I don't want to mess it up.

So, choosing to leave him and sit with Gabriel? I can't do that. I also can't deny Gabriel. He would be hurt and the last thing I want to do is hurt him.

"Umm, well. Maybe we can create the train here?"

Luke pipes up, coming to my rescue encouraging my idea. "Yeah! Sang turn sideways I'll sit here," he says as he moves closer in between mine and North's legs. "And Gabe you sit behind Sang and do her braids."

Gabriel gives a small frown, but concedes and slides over closer towards me.

Everything starts running smoothly after that and I am so excited to be here with my friends, sitting around a campfire. I look around at each boy and I truly feel like I belong, but at the same time a feeling in the bottom of my gut says there's something missing.

We spend a little time in our braiding train and Dr. Green makes his way over to our group.

"Okay guys," be smiles at me, "and lady. Here are your ingredients for s'mores. This is all your group gets so eat wisely!"

It's no shock that Luke and I are the first to dive towards the pile of chocolate, graham crackers and marshmallows. Kota hands us each wire hangers that have been flattened and cleaned.

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