Ch 79: Marie

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A few days after the sleepover I've been spending day and night with one or more of my friends. In a couple weeks we will head off to some secret location to begin boot camp. Today though is the day Marie gets released from the Academy hospital. She's been there for observation and to get her side of the story. She's in perfect health and I found out she's a drama queen. Her story is outrageous and doesn't match up with Cody's nor with what was found at the house. I think she just likes all the attention she is getting. Today my parents took me to see her. They offered to adopt her, but she told the doctors she wants nothing to do with me. So they are placing her in a foster home. 

 "Hey." I say as I stand in the doorway of her room.

"Hey." Marie replies.

She doesn't offer me a seat so I just slowly make my way to a chair giving her time to tell me to leave if she wants me to. She doesn't say anything so I start talking. "I'm sorry about everything." I don't know why I'm apologizing, but I feel like that's what she wants me to do since she was so mad at me before.

She sighs and looks up from the magazine she's reading. "You don't have to say that. I know it's not your fault. I was just taking out my anger on you that day."

I think that is the closest I'm going to get to an apology. I'll take it if it means my sister will talk to me. "So, you're going to a foster home? You know you can come with me, my parents said they wanted to adopt you."

"I know , Sang. I just can't be around you. I don't mean to sound rude, but you remind me of my dead parents and everything that has happened to me. I just want to start over, start fresh." She tells me not even looking up from the magazine she's reading.

"I understand. Will I still see you?"

She shrugs her shoulders, "I guess, my foster home is on your same street. One of your neighbors."

One of my neighbors? I hope it's not Kota or Nathan! They would have told me, right? I'm almost scared to ask. "Umm, who is it?"

At this her somber mood lights up. She puts her magazine down and sits up in her bed, "A girl named Danielle. She's so cool! They came to meet me yesterday and I just know we are going to get along. She has a brother too."

"Oh, yeah I know them." I tell she while nodding my head.

"Yeah, I'm going to be moving in today."


It's suddenly awkward. This is my sister--well half sister--and I don't know what to talk about with her. I don't even know her and it seems she doesn't care to get to know me. I'm kind of happy she's not mad at me anymore and I'm glad she is going to a home she likes. She'll be close by so I can still keep an eye on her. I know my parents will help her if she ever needs it too.

"They're going to be here soon." She tells me and I think that's my cue to leave.

"Oh, okay. I should go then." I tell her as I get up.

"Yeah, bye Sang." She gets up and follows me to the door.

Right as I get to it I turn to her and attempt to give her a hug. My arms are out, I take a step forward, but she just stares at me. I end up just waving with both hands awkwardly. "Goodbye, Marie."

I leave her room and she shuts the door behind me. Somehow I feel like I'll never see her again. That felt like a final goodbye. I feel a little sad as I walk back out to the lobby.

I see Lily first, "How was she?"

"I don't think she likes me." I confess.

"Oh, Babykins. She doesn't know you. It's okay, it will get better with time." She tries to reassure me, but I don't think Marie plans on getting to know me. I don't correct my mom and we walk to the car and head home. On the way there I text Kota and ask him for a favor. He replies fast and soon I'm at home gathering the things I need and racing over to his house.

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