Ch 22: Drop of Doubt 2.0

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My kissing mishap earlier today was a bummer and I can't wait for a chance to try again. When school ends, Kota drives me and Nathan home. After saying goodbye to them and Nathan reminding me he's going to come over to drop off my costume, I head towards my house to get started on an essay that's due.

Once in my room I turn on my computer and start the assignment Mr. Morris gave us. I'm on a roll and don't even notice I've been typing for over 2 hours. A little box flashes at the bottom right corner of my screen. I click it and a chat box pops up. It's Silas! He must be done with practice today.

RedSoxFan001: Hi Sang! It's Silas. Haven't had a chance to talk to you at school. How are you?

Sang: I'm good. Just working on homework. You?

RedSoxFan001: I'm going to miss you during football. I heard about the results. You were great at try-outs, Jade is just jealous.

Sang: It's okay, let's not talk about her

RedSoxFan001: You're right. Are you going to the dance?

Sang: Yes, I'm going with Nathan Griffin. Do you know him?

RedSoxFan001: Yeah, I know him. We aren't friends though, Coach wanted us to recruit him for the football team, but he didn't want too.

Sang: Are you going to the dance?

RedSoxFan001: Yeah, all the football guys are required to go to school functions.

RedSoxFan001: I heard Karen is taking all the football games and you're taking basketball. Does that mean you will get to watch me play?

Sang: I've never been to a football game. Is it fun?

RedSoxFan001: Never? Not even your old school?

RedSoxFan001: And yeah it's fun if you go with friends and have someone to root me ;)

Sang: I was home schooled, but if it's fun I'll go to one :) I won't be in uniform cheering, but I'll be in the stands cheering for you!

I'm excited to go to one of Silas' games and cheer for him. I can probably ask Kota to take me. Or would Nathan want to take me? Maybe this can be one of those group hangs he was talking about and we can all go together. Or does Gabriel expect me to ask him since he took me out on a date? No, he wouldn't expect that; he's not my boyfriend. Yet. Having so many friends is hard, especially when they are all guys! Guys I might all like. I know! I'll ask Luke. His brother is playing in the game; I'm sure he's already going. He wouldn't mind taking me.

I see another chat box pop up and I'm distracted from my conversation with Silas. It's from a username I'm not familiar with.

LoveRoots6: Hello, my sweet Sang

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