Ch 34: Confronting My Nightmares

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With nothing on Mr. Blackbourne yet and trying to figure out my next step the days go by slow. What's even worse is I have another appointment with Dr. Roberts today.   Luckily I have my friends to keep me company and my mind off things during lunch.

I'm sitting with Nathan, Kota and Victor in our usual spot in the courtyard.  Gabriel has joined us; I guess he now feels comfortable with the other guys since our little spy adventure yesterday.

"Oy! Sang when are you going to tell us about this Reynolds person. You never explained yesterday when we were spying on Mr. Blackbourne."

"Shhh!!!! Gabriel people might hear you!" I tell him.

"Princess, did I miss something yesterday?"   Victor looks confused and his fire eyes are on a small simmer.

Kota explains for me, "Sang, thinks Mr. Blackbourne is up to something and wants to find out what. She hasn't really explained everything to us yet." He looks at me pointedly.

"I told you, I want to find out more first before I spill everything to you guys, it could be nothing."

Nathan joins in, "Okay, so tell us about Reynolds then.  I don't know who that is either."

Victor snaps his fingers, "The detective for your family's case right? I recognized the name from when I got those files for you."

"Yes, she was the detective covering my family's accident. I wanted to ask her some questions, turns out she's dead."

"So her sister says" Kota clarifies, "I personally think she's still alive, the sister was acting strange when we went to see her."

"Why the fuck wasn't I invited?!?!"

"Sorry, I'll invite you next time?" I give Gabriel a little pout so he won't stay mad at me.

"Sang! Put that fucking lip away.  That shit doesn't work on me!"

"It totally does" Comes a voice from behind me.   Luke plops down on the grass next to me and offers me a bite of the candy bar in his hand.

Right as I'm about to take a bite the candy bar disappears! "Sang, you are not eating that junk." North gives his brother a smack on the head.   "Don't feed her that crap."

North and Silas are now sitting with us.  It's a little strange because I'm the only girl here and people are staring.  Plus, I feel like the other guys are a little uncomfortable.  Nathan's jaw is locked, Kota is fidgeting with his glasses and Victor is frowning at me.  His eyes have almost lost their spark.  Do they not like the other guys?   I know they aren't really friends, but they can at least try to get to know them.

Gabriel seems fine, he's friends with Luke and I'm sure he's comfortable around North since he's Luke's brother.

"Aggele, how's Mr. Giggles doing?"

I laugh and smile at Silas, "He's doing good, he's sitting by my window."  

"Who's Mr. Giggles?"  Luke asks curiously.

Silas answers, "A bear we won when I took Sang on a date."

My cheeks heat up and I feel the blush covering my face as I look around at the guys.  Gabriel looks hurt at the revelation that I've gone on a date with Silas.  Kota, Victor and Nathan are trying to look busy with their backpacks.  North looks like his usual self and Luke is smiling.

"Cool.  When can I meet Mr. Giggles?"  Luke says while poking me in the side.

"Oy!  What about our plan?  Sang when can we start, what's next?"

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