Ch 40: Ghosts, Snakes and Panties Oh My!

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Sang POV

I'm on the edge of sleep when I hear the zipper to our tent start to slowly open. Team building earlier today was boring and I am so thankful Karen was my partner the entire time. I didn't get a chance to see my friends before we went to bed, but I fell asleep fast in anticipation for the morning to come.

The zipper continues to move and it wakes me up further from slumber. I wait and listen, but the sound stops. Maybe I just imagined the noise. No one got up to leave so it's none of the girls in the tent. I start to fall back asleep when the thought hits me.

What if it's someone trying to get in!!

An ax they would have chopped through the tent already. A bear! No they can't open zippers. I lift my head up slightly and take a look towards the tent opening. There's nothing there.

I listen closely and hear the wind blow through causing the tent door to flap around. Then a light brushing tickles my foot. Did I just imagine that?  No. There it is again!  I sit up quickly and find nothing at the entrance.  Whatever was tickling the foot sticking out of my sleeping bag is gone.

Or is it?

Could it be a ghost? A ghost could have opened the tent and tickled my foot. That's why I didn't see anything when I looked.   It's still in here!!  Why can't Sam and Dean be real? They could save me.

I instantly start singing the Ghostbusters theme song in my head, but alter the call line to fit my Supernatural fantasies.

Who you gonna call?


They could definitely help me out with my ghostly problem here.  Saaanngg.  I hear the wind whisper. The ghost knows my name!!

Stop being ridiculous, Sang. Ghosts aren't real. I scold myself.

A shadow slowly crawls from the edge of the tent towards the opening. A halo of yellow appears followed by a human face!!

"Luke?" I whisper.

He puts his finger to his lips telling me to keep quiet.   His jaw looks a little puffy, but it could just be the dark night playing tricks on me.  He grabs my hand and pulls me out of the tent and closes it behind me.  We don't talk until he gets us to a spot deeper into the woods behind our campsite and I notice he has a bandage wrapped around his hand.

"Luke! You scared me, I thought you were a ghost!!"

He silently laughs at me, "What was it? It was the tickling wasn't it?" We grins at me after I smack him on the arm.

"What happened to your hand?"

"Bonding exercise." He says with a shrug. What kind of bonding exercises did they have in their groups?

I figure it doesn't matter so instead I ask him, "What are we doing out?"

"Check it out." Luke slides his backpack off his shoulders and starts to open it. I didn't even notice he had it on. He's going to give me some contraband!!  I giggle in my head and hold my hands out waiting for him to pour out some candy for me.

Instead he opens the top wider for me to take a look inside.   No candy.   I frown at the contents: a rope, scissors, balloons, eye liner, lipstick... is that shaving cream?

I look up at Luke and he's grinning from ear to ear and now I know what he's up to. I don't know how all the items fit together, but I do know they are for some sort of prank.  And he's getting me involved again!!

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